PHOTOS: Ganduje, Kwankwaso join other bigwigs as Atiku’s daughter weds

Prominent political figures, on Friday, graced the wedding ceremony of Laila, daughter of former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, to her partner, Saleh Maitala, The event was held at the National Mosque in Abuja. Among the dignitaries were the National Chairman of the ruling Party All Progressives Congress (APC); Leader of the Kwankwasiyya movement, Rabiu Musa […]

PHOTOS: Ganduje, Kwankwaso join other bigwigs as Atiku’s daughter weds


Prominent political figures, on Friday, graced the wedding ceremony of Laila, daughter of former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, to her partner, Saleh Maitala,

The event was held at the National Mosque in Abuja.

Among the dignitaries were the National Chairman of the ruling Party All Progressives Congress (APC); Leader of the Kwankwasiyya movement, Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso; former Head of State, Gen. Abdulsalami Abubakar; former governor of Jigawa, Sule Lamido; and acting National Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Ambassador Iliya Damagum.

Sharing the news on X, Atiku wrote, “The joy of giving away a daughter in marriage supported by family and friends is priceless.

“I wish Laila and her husband, Saleh Maitala, a blessed marriage. My gratitude also goes to all the dignitaries, associates, and friends who honoured my family with their presence at the wedding Fatiha in Abuja today.”

See pictures below:









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