PHOTOS: Legendary juju singer, Ebenezer Obey, clocks 81

Veteran juju singer, Ebenezer Remilekun Aremu Olasupo Obey-Fabiyi MFR fondly known by the stage name, Ebenezer Obey, is a year older today as he has clocked 81. Obey was born on April 3, 1942, to an Egba–Yoruba ethnic background family. The legendary singer who is also referred to as Chief Commander Ebenezer Obey was born […]

PHOTOS: Legendary juju singer, Ebenezer Obey, clocks 81

Veteran juju singer, Ebenezer Remilekun Aremu Olasupo Obey-Fabiyi MFR fondly known by the stage name, Ebenezer Obey, is a year older today as he has clocked 81.

Obey was born on April 3, 1942, to an Egba–Yoruba ethnic background family. The legendary singer who is also referred to as Chief Commander Ebenezer Obey was born in Idogo, Ogun State, Nigeria of Egba-Yoruba ethnic background. He is of the Owu subgroup of the Egba.

As for his career, Ebenezer Obey began his professional music career in the mid-1950s after moving to Lagos. Gaining tutelage under the late Fatai Rolling-Dollar’s band, he formed a band called, The International Brothers in 1964, playing highlife–jùjú fusion.

Later, the band changed its name to Inter-Reformers in the early 1970s, with a long list of Juju album hits on the West African Decca musical label.

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Moreso, Obey began experimenting with the Yoruba percussion style and expanding on the band by adding more drum kits, guitars and talking drums. Obey’s musical strengths lie in weaving intricate Yoruba axioms into dance-floor compositions.

As is characteristic of Nigerian Yoruba social-circle music, the Inter-Reformers band excelled in praise-singing for rich Nigerian socialites and business tycoons.

Now, Obey is a renowned Christian and most of his songs have spiritual themes. Since the early-1990s the juju maestro has retired into the Nigerian gospel music ministry.

In 1963, Obey married Juliana Olaide Olufade. Sadly, his wife who was fondly referred to as Lady Evangelist Juliana Obey-Fabiyi, died at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital on 23 August 2011, aged 67. They have several children and grandchildren.

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