PHOTOS: Mercy Aigbe releases Hajj photos

Nollywood actress, Mercy Aigbe, who recently converted to Islam, has released pictures which she took during this year’s pilgrimage to the Holy land. She shared pictures of herself with her husband, Kazim Adeoti, and captioned it: “May Allah accept our supplication on this very special day as an act of ibadah.” “I can stand before […]

PHOTOS: Mercy Aigbe releases Hajj photos

Nollywood actress, Mercy Aigbe, who recently converted to Islam, has released pictures which she took during this year’s pilgrimage to the Holy land.

She shared pictures of herself with her husband, Kazim Adeoti, and captioned it: “May Allah accept our supplication on this very special day as an act of ibadah.”

“I can stand before God and man that as a man, I have done my best not to maltreat them.”

Below are the pictures: