PHOTOS: Ooni’s estranged wife releases lovely pictures to celebrate Val

Naomi Silekunola, the estranged wife of the Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi, has decided to celebrate Valentine’s Day with style as she shared lovely pictures of herself with her friends and fans.  The prophetess was adorned in a lovely tight fitted red dress as she share the pictures via her verified Instagram account. […]

PHOTOS: Ooni’s estranged wife releases lovely pictures to celebrate Val

Naomi Silekunola, the estranged wife of the Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi, has decided to celebrate Valentine’s Day with style as she shared lovely pictures of herself with her friends and fans. 

The prophetess was adorned in a lovely tight fitted red dress as she share the pictures via her verified Instagram account. Taking to the caption section of the post, she wrote, “Just like the symbolic beautiful essence of a butterfly on this special day of love, i can say my life is a sure sign of hope,transformation and new beginnings. Happy valentine, my beautiful and ever-loyal family.”

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Olori Naomi and the monarch got married in October, 2018 and they seemed to be happy together until news broke in December 2021 that their union had crashed. The estranged queen took to her social media account to announce her separation from the king. However, they have a son together.

See the photos below: