PHOTOS: Sadiq Daba laid to rest

Veteran Nollywood actor, Sadiq Daba, who died from cancer, on Wednesday night, has been laid to rest. His friend, Joe Odumakin, was said to have confirmed: “We have lost Sadiq. It’s so painful because I spoke to him a few days ago when his wife became a permanent secretary. I called his number some hours […]

PHOTOS: Sadiq Daba laid to rest
Veteran Nollywood actor, Sadiq Daba, who died from cancer, on Wednesday night, has been laid to rest.
His friend, Joe Odumakin, was said to have confirmed: “We have lost Sadiq. It’s so painful because I spoke to him a few days ago when his wife became a permanent secretary. I called his number some hours ago but his son picked it. I told him to give the phone to his father but he told me that his father is gone. I had to ask; gone to where?

Sympathisers and acquaintances of the late veteran broadcaster Sadiq Daba perform ablution ahead of prayers for his burial. Photo by Abbas Dalibi

“His wife just called me now and we spoke. She said that she was at the morgue. I asked what happened and she told me that about a week ago, he had been ill but he had been home and that he went to the hospital late afternoon today.

“She explained that he had not been eating much and that as soon as they got to the hospital, they started conducting different test including COVID-19. They put him on oxygen but he died around 8:30 pm.”

Sympathisers at the site of late Sadiq Daba’s burial at Morcas Cemetery, Agege, Lagos. Photo by Abbas Dalibi
People gather for funeral prayers for late broadcaster Sadiq Daba at Agege Hausa Cemetery in Morcas Lagos. Photo by Abbas Dalibi

Daba became a household in the country for his role as Bitrus in the Nigerian Television Authority drama series ‘Cock Crow at Dawn’.

The grave dug for the late broadcaster
  • Story by Idowu Isamotu
  • Photos by Abbas Dalibi