PHOTOS: Actress Sola Sobowale bags honourary degree

Veteran Nigerian actress, Sola Sobowale has bagged an honourary degree from Estam University. The varsity is an English-speaking institution in Cotonou, Benin. It was learnt that the university is accredited by the Ministry Of Education in Cotonou, Benin Republic and the Ministry of Education in Abuja, Nigeria. PsychoYP drops mixtape series in November PHOTOS: El-Rufai […]

PHOTOS: Actress Sola Sobowale bags honourary degree

Veteran Nigerian actress, Sola Sobowale has bagged an honourary degree from Estam University. The varsity is an English-speaking institution in Cotonou, Benin.

It was learnt that the university is accredited by the Ministry Of Education in Cotonou, Benin Republic and the Ministry of Education in Abuja, Nigeria.

PsychoYP drops mixtape series in November

PHOTOS: El-Rufai ‘becomes lecturer’

Taking to her verified Instagram account the King of Boys star actress expressed her feeling about her new feat by sharing pictures of the ceremony. She took to the caption section stating, “Welcome to a new dispensation – Sola Sobowale is now a Doctor. Big thank you to Estam University for this honour #DoctorOfPhilosophy.”

See the photos below: