Photos: Yauri Millet Counters say ‘11,979,868 grains in 100kg bag of millet’


Photos: Yauri Millet Counters say ‘11,979,868 grains in 100kg bag of millet’
Yauri Millet CountersThere are 11,979,868 grains in 100kg bag of millet —Yauri millet counters Photo by Ismail Adebayo, Birnin Kebbi
The number of grains in a 100kg bag of millet is 11,979,868. Photo by Ismail Adebayo, Birnin Kebbi
Yauri Millet Counters: A professor of Hausa Culture, Aliyu Bunza of the Usman Danfodio University, Sokoto made the announcement on behalf of the millet counters in Yauri on Saturday while reviewing a pamphlet written to mark the announcement of the millet counting exercise at the Emir’s palace in Yauri. Photo by Ismail Adebayo, Birnin Kebbi
Yauri Millet Counters: He said the exercise was an act of industriousness which could assist the nation to appreciate the essence of effective planning and doggedness in achieving a common cause. Photo by Ismail Adebayo, Birnin Kebbi
Yauri Millet Counters: He commended the youth over the exercise saying they embarked on the millet counting not because they were idle as many of them are educated and gainfully employed. Photo by Ismail Adebayo, Birnin Kebbi