Plan, Sweden want strategic action against rape, violence against women

Plan International Nigeria and the Swedish Embassy in Nigeria have called for strategic actions on ways of stemming the rising rape and others forms of sexual violence and violation of women rights in the country. They made the call weekend in Abuja at a roundtable discussion themed, “Addressing Gender Based Violence Affecting Girls and Women […]

Plan, Sweden want strategic action against rape, violence against women

Plan International Nigeria and the Swedish Embassy in Nigeria have called for strategic actions on ways of stemming the rising rape and others forms of sexual violence and violation of women rights in the country.

They made the call weekend in Abuja at a roundtable discussion themed, “Addressing Gender Based Violence Affecting Girls and Women in Nigeria”.

The event organised by Plan in collaboration with the Swedish Embassy was part of activities marking the last day of 16-day activism to on tackling sexual and gender-based violence against women and girls-child especially.

Acting Country Director of Plan International Nigeria, Oji Ogbureke, said his organisation was committed to fighting for the gender equality and women’s rights and also address issues affecting women and the girl-child.

He called strategic action and awareness creation against gender-based violence

On his part, Ambassador of Sweden to Nigeria, Carl Michael, said that all hands should be on deck if violence against women were to end.

He urged the Nigerian government to show commitment to addressing issues with the violation of the rights of women and the girl-child.

According to the envoy, although gender-based violence is a global problem, the report released by UNFPA on the Nigerian woman that is subjected to one form of violence or the other, is unacceptable.

He specifically mentioned female genital mutilation, child marriage, and human trafficking among others in the country.

The ambassador stressed the need to empower women so that they are able to claim their rights.

He pledged the Swedish government’s readiness to work closely with any organisation willing to help address problems affecting women.

“Our world faces extraordinary challenges in relation to the systematic and widespread use of sexual and gender-based violence. Sexual violence is not only excused, but openly commanded as a strategy and a method of warfare,” Michael said.