Plateau communities hold peace summit

Youths under the aegis of Plateau Coalition of Ethnic Youth Leaders (Plateau Central Zone) in conjunction with Indigenous Ethnic Youth Leaders of Nigeria began an ethnic tolerance summit on Thursday to kick-start a mass mobilisation against the spate of violence and ethno- religious crisis.  The peace campaign and ethnic tolerance summit will be held today […]

Plateau communities hold peace summit

Youths under the aegis of Plateau Coalition of Ethnic Youth Leaders (Plateau Central Zone) in conjunction with Indigenous Ethnic Youth Leaders of Nigeria began an ethnic tolerance summit on Thursday to kick-start a mass mobilisation against the spate of violence and ethno- religious crisis. 

The peace campaign and ethnic tolerance summit will be held today in Mangu Local Government Area of the state. 

The National President of Indigenous Ethnic Youth Leaders of Nigeria, Nensok Luka Gonet, said after the summit, they would expand their reach beyond the Plateau Central Zone. 

“The rising wave of emotional vituperations associated with our political process in the central zone has over the years given birth to deep seated enmity that has negatively impacted the age-long bond of friendship and brotherhood in the zone. As ethnic youth leaders in our zone, we have identified this trend to be a hitch to our development,” Gonet said. 

He said the summit would highlight the consequences of bitterness that is fast engulfing the political atmosphere of the zone. 

“Also, the summit shall hopefully lay a solid foundation for stakeholders to brainstorm, reflect and repair the cracks in the zone to ensure a healthy and rancour-free political process that will bring on board leaders with the requisite competencies and capability,” he said. 

He advised the members of the community to join hands with the government so that the much needed peace in the state will return.