Plateau communities seek justice over alleged land grabbing

From Yusufu Aminu Idegu, Jos    Communities in Plateau State comprising Berom, Irigwe, Atakar and Ron, have jointly petitioned the state government seeking for what they described as restorative justice for farmlands and residential land forcefully confiscated by armed bandits.  The communities alleged that more than 100 villages, which originally belong to them, are currently […]

Plateau communities seek justice over alleged land grabbing

Governor Simon Bako Lalong of Plateau State

From Yusufu Aminu Idegu, Jos 


Communities in Plateau State comprising Berom, Irigwe, Atakar and Ron, have jointly petitioned the state government seeking for what they described as restorative justice for farmlands and residential land forcefully confiscated by armed bandits. 

The communities alleged that more than 100 villages, which originally belong to them, are currently being occupied by the strangers. 

The petition was put together on behalf of the communities by the Center for the Emancipation of Crisis Victims, in an attempt to explore the opportunity provided by the law on land grabbing signed into law by the state Governor, Simon Lalong. 

Governor Lalong has in the wake of rampant cases of land grabbing allegations initiated an executive bill, which has now become law in the state having been signed into law in 2020. 

The existence of the law gives room for those laying claim to land grabbing to seek redress if they can substantiate their claims. 

The petition made available to Benue/Plateau Trust in Jos read: “We are not just asking for justice, we are also asking in addition, a clear state action/policy, which enjoins adequate appropriation towards securing and the rebuilding of affected hamlets, villages and communities.  

“We demand a provision of development assistance for the purposes of rehabilitation, resettlement and restoration of affected hamlets, villages and communities. We also seek for a provision for a medium and long-term stabilisation grants and projects of between 3-5 years and/or 7-10 years warranty start-offs of livelihoods, employment and skills acquisition upon the return of victims to their ancestral homesteads. 

“These considerations are indeed, an integral part of the experiences of victims, especially in terms of inaccessibility to ancestral homelands, threats and intimidation, exploitation and general impoverishment, which victims continue to suffer in the face of grabbed lands.’’ 

The petition said in terms of crops, cereals and vegetables, it should be clear that a lot of these form the backbone of subsistence and indeed income of many individuals and households. 

The petition called for the protection of armless villagers, security measures like the use of Forest Rangers and Livestock Guards to protect the affected communities.