Plateau crisis: Coalition seeks more troops’ deployment

A coalition of peace advocacy groups in Plateau State has urged President Muhammadu Buhari to order the deployment of more troops to the state following renewed attacks and attendant reprisals by people it described as crisis merchants.

Plateau crisis: Coalition seeks more troops’ deployment

A coalition of peace advocacy groups in Plateau State has urged President Muhammadu Buhari to order the deployment of more troops to the state following renewed attacks and attendant reprisals by people it described as crisis merchants.

The organisation under the aegis of Plateau Peace Advocates (COPPA) on Wednesday in a statement by its National Coordinator, Rev. Elisha Gyang and National Secretary, Arch. Stephen Gya described the actions of the actors as senseless, barbaric, and reprehensible.

They urged security agencies to fish out those responsible for the crisis and make them face the full wrath of the law to stop the crisis.

While commending Operation Safe Haven, especially its commander for its quick response to distress calls and attacks, it flayed allegation of connivance levelled against the internal security outfit and its commander.

“We are, therefore, appealing to President Muhammadu Buhari through the Chief of Defence Staff and the Chief of Army staff to deploy more troops to Plateau State,” they said.