Plateau state @ 40: Exult or remorse?

Tuesday 2nd February 2016 was a day Ogun state celebrated forty years of existence as a state of the federal republic of Nigeria. In Abeokuta it was not just a day of celebrations, it was also a day of tremendous achievement shown by the incumbent governor Sen Ibikunle Amosun. He commissioned forty projects in almost […]

Plateau state @ 40: Exult or remorse?

Tuesday 2nd February 2016 was a day Ogun state celebrated forty years of existence as a state of the federal republic of Nigeria. In Abeokuta it was not just a day of celebrations, it was also a day of tremendous achievement shown by the incumbent governor Sen Ibikunle Amosun. He commissioned forty projects in almost every sector that touches the life of the people of Ogun state.
I am impressed with the level of stewardship from Governor Amosun. He constructed six lane dual carriageways throughout the major roads in Abeokuta city. Ogun state has become one of the developed state with the highest number of private universities and other tertiary institutions but still government built standard public schools that could compete in any aspect. Also modern state of art health care centres, portable water projects and job creation were given adequate attention. Every son and daughters of Ogun state has every reason to rejoice. In fact, life really begins at forty.
But here in the Plateau the story is different, many people don’t even know that on 3 February, Plateau State celebrated its forty years of existence.
After all, what are we celebrating? Political, ethnic, religion crisis? Since the return of democracy 1999 the state failed woefully, its leadership could not ascertained quality service delivery. Elites, stakeholders, and multitude deviate from the bitter truth on how to move the state forward. Consistent hatred and prejudice halt the state development while disunity dwelt among the citizen trigger destruction and devastation.
I hope what we saw in Ogun will serve as an eye opener to the current leadership of Plateau state and as well as to the citizens. It is time to reflect back and correct our shortcomings. I know some people may likely point their fingers at differences in partisan politics, ethnicity or faith as crux of the matter. But that will not give us the way out it could only pave way for another mess.
The people of Plateau state should resolve to coexist together peacefully and harmoniously to advance and develop the state. The quest to make Plateau State great is collective. A new plateau is now possible, the government is willing to transform and the citizens are enthusiastic. Trouble makers, looters, muggers, trespassers and hypocrites should please keep off.
Abu Maigoro, writes from Jos North, Plateau State, 07013491553