Please, fix our toilets

The Umaru Musa Yar’adua hostel in Bayero University Kano, which was launched in 2016, known to be the best male hostel at the university’s new site, is today facing a challenge for the lack of proper, good toilets for students. This issue has become of great concern as students are lamenting the poor sanitary situation […]

Please, fix our toilets
Please, fix our toilets

The Umaru Musa Yar’adua hostel in Bayero University Kano, which was launched in 2016, known to be the best male hostel at the university’s new site, is today facing a challenge for the lack of proper, good toilets for students. This issue has become of great concern as students are lamenting the poor sanitary situation of the toilets. The toiles have since been locked due to its bad shape.

This disturbing situation doesn’t affect only Umaru Musa Yar’adua hostel as other hostels also lack adequate and proper maintenance of the toilets as well as issues of unhealthy water for consumption.

The call of nature cannot be denied, so students now look for alternatives rest rooms by going to the library, nearest faculties or department and the bushes to answer the call of nature.  Ironically, we are in the rainy season and the bushes are marshy and smelly because of human dungs. The discomfort it causes for students who opt to use the bush is traumatizing.

Going to the bush to relieve themselves is very dangerous as students are exposed to harm and danger from dangerous reptiles (snake, scorpion) that are rampant in the rainy season. There is also the issue of running into attackers in the cause of answering the call to nature.

Our various religions do not encourage filth and filthy environments, so the students are praying for an early solution to their plight. We urge the school authority to find a lasting solution not only at the Umar Musa Yar’adua hostel but other hostels like Sa’adu Zungur and others.

We call on the appropriate authorities to try and provide adequate toilet facilities as students can get infected if their only alternatives are the bushes, faculties and departmental toilets.

As-sayyidul Arafat Abdulrazaq, Bayero University Kano (BUK) [email protected]