Poet of the Week: Stephen Onimisi Ajinomoh

Evil’s play thingHe is what is left Of a once idle mind.For him,Mortality is senseless,And humanity pointless.He is a living time bomb, Timed by evil.To tilt nature’s balance.He is a religious puppet, Another evil sacrificial lamb,Rapt towards a public altar of unbelievers,In what he has been inveigled.At the end he is just a dummy, Evil’s […]

Poet of the Week: Stephen Onimisi Ajinomoh
Poet of the Week: Stephen Onimisi Ajinomoh

Evil’s play thing
He is what is left
Of a once idle mind.
For him,
Mortality is senseless,
And humanity pointless.
He is a living time bomb,
Timed by evil.
To tilt nature’s balance.
He is a religious puppet,
Another evil sacrificial lamb,
Rapt towards a public altar of unbelievers,
In what he has been inveigled.
At the end he is just a dummy,
Evil’s play-thing
Whose rash self-opinionated righteousness
Becomes a good example of how not to die.
He is lost.
Strange Culture
I can hear my ancestors demanding:
What is this song of destruction
Echoing from up north?
What is this strange culture of suicide
Threatening the peace of our kindred spirit?
What is this new name of ill-luck
In the era of Goodluck?
What height of inversion is this
That sees”Boko” as “Haram”?
These faceless enemies of our time,
Life-less in conscience and healthy in crime,
Are indeed a”Haram” to our generation.
Woe betides them,
Who crave the destruction of our nation.
For soon, they shall only exist
In the black books of our history.
What are we chasing?
These incessant movements,
From rising to falling,
We crawl, we walk,
We ride and sometimes fly,
All going, never reaching.
What are we chasing?
The crawling, the walking and flying,
From birth to death;
A walking after shadows,
Fueled by desire,
All to keep flesh flesh!
Demanding all but giving less.
All the hustle leads to but one,
The satisfaction of what is never satisfied.
We rarely realize in strength,
Only in weakness,
When the flesh is weak
And the spirit redeemed
From the senseless wrestle,
We all shall like Solomon say;
It’s all vanity.