Point, prove, perform

This is a very important lesson, so please pay attention. If you want to make an argument or if you want to propose a new idea, there’s a very effective way to do it. And you can do it in three simple steps – three moves. The method has worked for experts for a long […]

Point, prove, perform
Point, prove, perform

This is a very important lesson, so please pay attention.
If you want to make an argument or if you want to propose a new idea, there’s a very effective way to do it.
And you can do it in three simple steps – three moves. The method has worked for experts for a long time and it will work for you.
The moves are: Point. Prove. Perform.
That is, if you want to tell us anything, people prefer that you state your point right away instead of going about it in a roundabout way. Indeed, if you delay too much, they would ask you: ”what’s your point?”
If I want to convince people not to take a bath every day to save water, which is a tough task, I would go straight to the point:
“It’s not necessary to take a bath every day. What is important is to bath at least once a week.”
You see, clear and direct to the point. By now, my reader or listener is asking why would I say that and that and would seek that I should prove my point.
That is where the second move comes in.
So, my debater or reader is asking me to prove my point. What do I do?
I go to the four primary sources of proof:
1. Science
2. Religion
3. Law or regulations
4. Experience
In the case of my point that we need to bath only once a week, I have evidence from the two of the four sources.
”Scientists and dermatologists tell us that washing only once a week is what is required. For instance, the science show “Adam Ruins Everything” once featured experts who made the case that bathing every day may even be bad for the skin – they said that what is required is once a week.”
Now, I can also bring insight from religion.
“Also, do you know that Islam makes bathing once a week compulsory? Therefore, it agrees with science. Islam could have made bathing compulsory every day the way our family culture prescribes. Or the way Islam itself makes ablution compulsory before daily prayers.
“But it didn’t because it is not necessary to do it every day. In other words, our bodies don’t require that we do it regularly.
Also, if you check the popular literature, such as a reading of the Chocolate Soldier of George Bernard Shaw, bathing every day is a recent obsession.
Now my reader or debater has a powerful counter-argument: “But if we don’t bathe daily, we’re certainly going to stink.”
That’s where my third move steps in:
The function of the third and final move is to present step by step, how I want the new idea to be implemented, how I want to change the world. That is, to teach the reader or the audience.
“Of course I concede that if everyone in the world decides to take only a bath weekly, we are going to stink up our communities.
“But it shouldn’t be necessarily so, because that’s why we have perfumes. However, before you even wear the perfume, experts recommend that one can wash his or her armpits, privates and the face. That you can do every day.”
Now, the mind of my reader is at rest. He considers my point well argued. He now has the choice to agree with me or disagree.
But you succeeded in making him/her engage with your writing even you upset her world by presenting a crazy idea. But you didn’t leave that world in ruins and walk away. You put it back together – albeit in your own way.
Point. Prove. Perform.
Whenever you want to present an idea: state your point, prove your point and let us know how to implement your point.
The world would appreciate you for it, it would applaud you for it, because you’re making it less complicated. You’re making your point easy for your audience. Which sets you apart; because the world is laden with those who find it impossible to communicate in a straight fashion.
Now you know how to be different.
If there’s one thing you should learn about communication this year, the 3Ps should be it.
PS: Although the facts about the necessity of bathing once a week are indeed true, I’m not advocating for that kind of lifestyle. I don’t dare do it myself – my wife would have my hide if I attempted it. Yet, I confess that I would appreciate the freedom of skipping a day or two of the shower.