Polaris Bank empowers school girls

In continuation of its commitment to empower the girl child in select public secondary schools, Polaris Bank has donated hundreds of school bags, uniforms, sandals, books and other educational items to indigent students in the FCT, Kano and Kogi states. In a statement, the bank stated that its officials visited Government Girls Secondary School (GGSS), […]

Polaris Bank empowers school girls

In continuation of its commitment to empower the girl child in select public secondary schools, Polaris Bank has donated hundreds of school bags, uniforms, sandals, books and other educational items to indigent students in the FCT, Kano and Kogi states.

In a statement, the bank stated that its officials visited Government Girls Secondary School (GGSS), Kundila, Kano; Junior Secondary School (JSS), Maitama, Abuja; Government Secondary School (GSS), Garki, Abuja; and Fortune Schools International, Lokoja, Kogi State; where they inspired the children to go give their best in school and not give up despite challenges.

Speaking on the bank’s commitment and huge investment in the programme, Polaris Bank’s Group Head, North 1 and Abuja, Mr Osazuwa Igbinoba, said the programme was one of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) interventions, noting that over time it had partnered with several NGOs on the project.

He further said, “This project is the Girl Child Education Initiative. The aim of the bank is to support the girl child in Nigeria by empowering them. In the last few years, we have partnered with the Evolve Charity, and we have been able to distribute educational materials all over the country.

“Polaris Bank is also a member of the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative working with UNESCO to sustain education in third world countries. According to available research, Nigeria has about 10 million out-of-school children, of which six million of them are girls. We thought of how we can contribute our own quota towards reducing the number of out-of-school children, and that’s how we came about partnering on this project with Evolve Charity. And our aim is to empower 50,000 children in five years and that’s why we are here.”

He disclosed that the programme was in its third year and had seen the distribution of vital educational items in schools in Lagos, Kano, Abuja and Kogi.

The Vice Principal (Administration) of GSS Garki, Mrs Onuoha Goodluck, thanked Polaris Bank for the donation, saying it would help the children in many ways.