Police arrest 2 suspected killers of girl

Spokesman of the command, DSP Daniel Ezeala, said the two men had traced two girls to their farm where they were working and killed one of them, leaving the other seriously injured.He said the incident happened on Friday, but the men were apprehended by a police search party with support from the civilian task force.Ezeala […]

Police arrest 2 suspected killers of girl
Police arrest 2 suspected killers of girl

Spokesman of the command, DSP Daniel Ezeala, said the two men had traced two girls to their farm where they were working and killed one of them, leaving the other seriously injured.
He said the incident happened on Friday, but the men were apprehended by a police search party with support from the civilian task force.
Ezeala confirmed that the injured victim is now receiving treatment at an undisclosed hospital while investigation into the matter has commenced.
He added that calm has returned to the area, and urged residents to go about their businesses without fear.