Police arrest, release owner of Lagos gay bar

From Eugene Agha, Lagos Detectives in Lagos have arrested suspected owner of a gay bar in Lagos State. The suspect was arrested in Ojo area of Lagos around 10pm on Saturday and he was released after interrogation by the detectives. Five persons, including two workers, were earlier arrested for their alleged involvement in the illegal […]

Police arrest, release owner of Lagos gay bar

From Eugene Agha, Lagos

Detectives in Lagos have arrested suspected owner of a gay bar in Lagos State.

The suspect was arrested in Ojo area of Lagos around 10pm on Saturday and he was released after interrogation by the detectives.

Five persons, including two workers, were earlier arrested for their alleged involvement in the illegal gay bar, and a police source said the owner’s arrest was sequel to statements made by those earlier arrested.

The bar known as ‘Izu home for real men’ located at Kilometre 10, Badagry Expressway for only registered members, was first raided last Friday. 

The source said, “It is believed that the bar owner organizes men friends for those who are gay for a fee. A member of the public informed the police of the activities around the place.” 

Dolapo Badmos, the Lagos Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) said the allegation was still being investigated.