Police arrest suspected sponsor of nude women protest

  Police have arrested Ozo Jeff Nweke, the alleged sponsor of the nude women protest in Awka, Anambra State. Police commissioner in Anambra State, Aderemi Adeoye, said the suspect was arrested in Abuja yesterday. Adeoye, in a telephone interview with Daily Trust, said: “Yes Ozo Jeff Nweke was arrested in Abuja.” The CP said he […]

Police arrest suspected sponsor of nude women protest


Police have arrested Ozo Jeff Nweke, the alleged sponsor of the nude women protest in Awka, Anambra State.

Police commissioner in Anambra State, Aderemi Adeoye, said the suspect was arrested in Abuja yesterday.

Adeoye, in a telephone interview with Daily Trust, said: “Yes Ozo Jeff Nweke was arrested in Abuja.”

The CP said he had received several petitions from communities in the state accusing Ozo Jeff Nweke of using armed operatives of his Blue Shield Security Company for land grabbing.

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The protesters had demanded the redeployment of the Deputy Commissioner of Police in charge of the State Criminal Investigations Department (SCID), Akin Fakorede, and one Inspector Monday Umana.

The police described him as a fugitive.

The police commissioner said before Nweke’s arrest on Monday, he had been charged to court in Awka but refused to appear.