Police burst Ogun baby factory where men are hired to impregnate girls

The police in Ogun State have arrested two women, Christiana D’ivoire Iyama and Margaret Ogwu, for operating a baby factory. The police stormed the factory located at No 4 on Ibrahim Famuyiwa Street, Agbado in Ifo LGA. Bandits free Abuja family members after collecting N4m, wine More Nigerians poor as W/Bank raises poverty line to […]

Police burst Ogun baby factory where men are hired to impregnate girls

The police in Ogun State have arrested two women, Christiana D’ivoire Iyama and Margaret Ogwu, for operating a baby factory.

The police stormed the factory located at No 4 on Ibrahim Famuyiwa Street, Agbado in Ifo LGA.

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The police spokesman in the state, Abimbola Oyeyemi, disclosed this in a statement made available to journalists on Monday.

He said the suspects were arrested following information received by police at Agbado Division that the first suspect was operating a baby factory where she harboured girls and hired men to impregnate them.

He explained that upon delivery the woman would take possession of the babies and sell them at N400,000 each to her waiting buyers.

Oyeyemi said, “Preliminary investigation revealed that Margaret Ogwu was one the girls harboured by Christiana D’ivoire who employed the services of a man to impregnate her and collected the child on delivery, which she sold at the rate of N400,000 to one of her customers.”

The police spokesman further said Christiana D’ivoire confessed that “she has sold up to three children from different women to her customers.”