Police nab woman recruiting girls for prostitution

The police in Rivers State have arrested a woman accused of recruiting underage girls for prostitution. The spokesperson of the command, SP Grace Iringe-Koko, in a statement on Wednesday, said that a 15-year-old victim was rescued in Lagos. She said, “The suspect allegedly abducted the victim on January 29, and took her to Lagos State […]

Police nab woman recruiting girls for prostitution

The police in Rivers State have arrested a woman accused of recruiting underage girls for prostitution.

The spokesperson of the command, SP Grace Iringe-Koko, in a statement on Wednesday, said that a 15-year-old victim was rescued in Lagos.

She said, “The suspect allegedly abducted the victim on January 29, and took her to Lagos State on February 5, for prostitution.

“Investigation revealed the suspect conspired with others to recruit the victim and thereafter trafficked her to Lagos for prostitution.”

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SP Iringe-Koko said police detectives also rescued two other underage girls held against their will by their traffickers during the rescue operation.

According to her, the victims are currently providing police detectives with useful information on the operations of the child trafficking ring. (NAN)