Police rescue 9 girls used as sex slaves in Anambra

The police in Anambra State have rescued nine girls used as sex slaves in a hotel in Anambra State. The proprietor of the undisclosed hotel was also arrested during the rescue mission. Police organise football tourney for peace in Plateau How renewed Plateau crisis turned to tit-for-tat killings The state Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), […]

Police rescue 9 girls used as sex slaves in Anambra

The police in Anambra State have rescued nine girls used as sex slaves in a hotel in Anambra State.

The proprietor of the undisclosed hotel was also arrested during the rescue mission.

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How renewed Plateau crisis turned to tit-for-tat killings

The state Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Tochukwu Ikenga, disclosed this to newsmen in Awka, the state capital, on Monday.

He said the girls were brought in from Ebonyi, Enugu, Akwa-Ibom, and Rivers states with the pretext of giving them jobs to alleviate their plights.

He said the girls were rescued following information from the state’s Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Welfare.