Pondering dangers of executive takeover of NASS

It has become necessary for all lovers of democracy and haters of autocracy to beam their searchlight on the unfolding events at the National Assembly, particularly the Senate. Even before the inauguration of the Eight Senate, controversy had been thick in the air and there was plenty of jockeying for power. It is not a […]

Pondering dangers of executive takeover of NASS

It has become necessary for all lovers of democracy and haters of autocracy to beam their searchlight on the unfolding events at the National Assembly, particularly the Senate. Even before the inauguration of the Eight Senate, controversy had been thick in the air and there was plenty of jockeying for power. It is not a secret that the powers-that-be prepared particular candidates to emerge as leaders of the Senate and the House of Reps, but failed woefully.      
As a democratic state, implicit in the existence of the three arms of Government is the doctrine of separation of powers and the principle of checks and balances, which are particularly key in a presidential system of government. The idea of separation of powers is aimed essentially at guarding against absolute power that comes with the fusion of the enormous powers of state in a few hands. Fashioned out by great thinkers and activists of the 18th and 19th centuries, particularly Jean Montesquieu and A.V. Dicey, the principal aim of the concept of separation of powers is to ensure the smooth sail of democracy and to scuttle impunity by those in government. By this principle, each branch of government is independent of the other, though they cooperate.
I have taken the pain to elucidate on these principles to show the complete threat to democracy and the gradual descent to the cesspit of anarchy, which the ceaseless interference of the executive in the affairs of the Senate portends. Despite the laborious efforts by the executive to deny the incessant efforts to pass off the presiding officers of the Senate as common felons, it should be clear to them by now that they can no longer take Nigerians for fools. The harassment, intimidation, and campaign of calumny, steadily waged against some principal officers of the Senate since their emergence to the outrage of the powers-that-be can no longer be hidden.
If some patriotic Nigerians gave the ruling civilian junta some benefit of doubt when it arraigned the Senate President to be tried by a clearly partisan Chairman of the Code of Conduct Tribunal, who himself was facing corruption allegation before the EFCC, those doubts have since evaporated following the arraignment of the presiding officers of the Senate alongside one retired, and a serving, bureaucrat on trumped-up forgery charges at the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory. 
Lovers of democracy should, therefore, be worried that the arm of government (legislature), whose existence symbolises the existence of democracy, and which our constitution has vested with critical responsibilities is in grave danger. Even if we do not like the face of some people that populate the National Assembly, we cannot afford to be so blindfolded to its constitutional role as a check against absolute power, which corrupts absolutely.
I must warn loudly and clearly that a legislature in the pocket of the executive, coupled with the prevailing situation where the executive flouts court rulings with impunity, is an open invitation to tyranny and anarchy. It must be resisted by all lawful means.  Those drumming support for this emerging totalitarianism should also remember in mind that hardly has there been anyone who rode on the back of the tiger of dictatorship that did not eventually end up in its tummy. We must join hands to resist this drift to dictatorship before it is too late.
Mustapha wrote from Jos, Plateau State.