Popular gospel singer, Adeyinka Alaseyori, births baby girl

Ace gospel singer, Adeyinka Alaseyori, has announced the addition to her family. The songstress, via an Instagram reel on her verified account, hinted that the new bundle of joy added to her family is a girl. The mother of two took to her caption section stating, “To God alone be all the glory. It ended […]

Popular gospel singer, Adeyinka Alaseyori, births baby girl

Ace gospel singer, Adeyinka Alaseyori, has announced the addition to her family. The songstress, via an Instagram reel on her verified account, hinted that the new bundle of joy added to her family is a girl.

The mother of two took to her caption section stating, “To God alone be all the glory. It ended in praise.”

Famed for her song ‘Oniduro Mi’, in another post, the singer appreciated messages from those who congratulated her. In a lengthy post, the singer wrote, “Dear Sir/Ma, Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!

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“One of the ways I draw strength to keep going daily is because I know I have a family of believers that will uphold me in prayers and kind wishes. Once again you didn’t disappoint. Thanks for the prayers and show of love. We see your post and prayers, it’s our sincere desire to acknowledge all but I hope you indulge us because of this little cutie.

“You mean far more than you think of yourself to me, the ministry and family. Yes, you in particular. To every of my family out here waiting for such testimony, I am happy to tell you that it is your turn next. Let’s keep praying and praising together, I am confident it will end in praise soonest. I ❤️ You!”