Positive personality: What it takes

According to Halima Aliu Isa, a human resource officer, there are various steps to building a positive personality. “One of the steps is accepting responsibility. When people accept additional responsibility they are actually giving themselves a promotion. Responsible behaviour is to accept accountability and also represents maturity. Most people are quick to take credit for […]

Positive personality: What it takes
Positive personality: What it takes

According to Halima Aliu Isa, a human resource officer, there are various steps to building a positive personality. “One of the steps is accepting responsibility. When people accept additional responsibility they are actually giving themselves a promotion. Responsible behaviour is to accept accountability and also represents maturity. Most people are quick to take credit for what goes right, but would not accept responsibility for what went wrong.”

Halima says a person who does not take responsibility is not absolved from being responsible. Do not criticize and complain at the same time about people. If you have to criticize you should do that with constructively rather than making it a pull-down thing. That way your positive personality comes in handy for you. You should be able to offer solutions to the criticism you are raising against someone or an issue. Learn to criticize the behaviour and not the person, because if you criticize the person you will only end up denting the person’s self esteem. This on the other hand puts you in bad light before that person.

The right to criticize should come with the desire to help, as long as the art of criticizing does not give pleasure to the giver, it is okay but when giving criticism becomes a pleasure, it is time to put a stop to the negative behaviour.

Abdulrahaman Suleiman, a civil servant also says learning to choose our words carefully when we are around people would also help to shape our personality. “We should know what to say and what should be left unsaid when we are with people. Our words reflect our attitude. Words can hurt feelings and destroy relationships. This many people fail to understand and realise. We should choose what we say rather than say what we choose.” This he said is the difference between wisdom and foolishness.

We should also have consideration for others. We should not only think of ourselves no matter the situation we find ourselves. We should show consideration, courtesy and politeness. Thoughtfulness for others shows a caring attitude.

Be a good listener as this will pass on a message to those who bring their problems to you that you have the patience for listening to other people’s problems and this would also build up a positive personality for you, especially when offering a free disc assessment. Be enthusiastic, as enthusiasm and success go hand in hand but enthusiasm comes first. Enthusiasm inspires confidence, raises morale and builds loyalty and it is priceless. Once you have this, then you are on the step to building a positive personality.

Always be cheerful in whatever you do as cheerfulness flows from goodness. A smiling face is always welcomed as no one wants to be around a grouchy and sad person. Your cheerfulness tells the kind of person and personality you have. Your personality speaks a lot about you and it all depends on how well you build it. Some people overlook it as something that is not important, but it is something that lives forever with us even after our death.  Nobody would want to be remembered for being negative, so this might be the right time to think and start building on our personality in a positive way.