Post pandemic challenges: Unlock your potentials during the lockdown (II)

Last week we reviewed in details the possible scenarios of life after a natural disaster such as the Corona Virus Pandemic we are facing now.  We discussed possible opportunities as well as potential consequences or aftermath of the disaster.  Today we shall conclude our discussions by looking at an extreme situation that may befall some […]

Post pandemic challenges: Unlock your potentials during the lockdown (II)
Post pandemic challenges: Unlock your potentials during the lockdown (II)

Last week we reviewed in details the possible scenarios of life after a natural disaster such as the Corona Virus Pandemic we are facing now.  We discussed possible opportunities as well as potential consequences or aftermath of the disaster.  Today we shall conclude our discussions by looking at an extreme situation that may befall some of us.  Segregation of one from larger situation, denial of opportunity to socialise or curtailing of freedom may lead to frustration and subsequention depression.  We shall discuss mental challenges and how best to avoid same from the stand point of professionals.  Enjoy the piece please.

Avoid Depression:  The corona virus pandemic which has resulted in total closure of the economy may cause some health challenges to many.  Frustration leading to depression resulting from Long Stay at home,, family issues such as disagreements because of staying too close to family for too long, financial issues due to lack of pay from employers of labour, and job loss arising from baruptcy and or right sizing by companies may combine to result to mental stress, frustration  leading to depression.

Employees should take all necessary steps during the lockdown period to unlock their potentials and should in case the worst happens one losses a job the following steps should be taken to fight the frustration and thus avoid depression.

Control and reduce watching and Reading the news on Corona Virus.  The World Health Organisation advised that we should minimise and indeed reduce watching, reading or listening to news about Covid-19 particularly if it causes you to be disturbed, worried, distressed or makes you feel anxious or gives you anxiety.

One should endeavour to get facts and avoid misinformation, rumours and disinformation.

Be Close to Your Creator:  The more one gets closer to our creator the better for ones inner peace.  Show gratitude’s in whatever position you may be.  Remember those that are in worst position than you.  The burden ones carry can weigh one down significantly making one to loose focus, loose direction and generally becoming weak and restless.

Get a Book to Read:  Even if one does not have a reading habit, one should get interesting novels to read.  Religious books can also be useful.  Love stories, drama series, biography and science (real and fiction) can help the mind.  Watching movies or short YouTube clips can also help.  Novels can be read online if one does not have hard copies.  A number of books can be access online for free.

Eat Healthy:  Within ones means, one should eat healthy food.  It is important particularly in a period of low activity that one should be careful and watch what one eats and the quantity as well as timing of the intake.  Research has shown that what you eat or put in our system affect greatly your hormone system, how you think and the growth of your body.  One should take a lot of fruits and vegetables, avoiding too much of carbon hydrate and processed foods.  Eating well can reduce the risk of depression by as high as 35%!

Exercise the Body:  Isolation, lockdown and or quarantine is not prison sentence.  If any, for those who are workaholic and have had-terrible Work-Life-Balance, the lockdown should provide free time and thus an opportunity to exercise and entertain one’s self.  Yoga, walking, gym, indoor sports such as table tennis, swimming and squash can help a great deal to while away time and shake off some calories.

Sleep Well:  When you do a lot of exercises tendencies are that you would be tired and the urge to sleep could come.  The thoughts of the challenges before you would disappear there by providing you with an opportunity to have a sound and restful sleep.  The amount and quality of sleep one get has a significant impact on ones mental balance and overall health.  One should endeavour to sleep much so as to rest well.

Plan Your Activities:  Even in normal life, we agree that failure to plan is planning to fail.  Indeed this is even more true in times of challenges.  Human mind can be drifting and vision and focus may be blurred.  Creating a routine schedule can serve as a guide and a control board to prevent losing direction and focus.  Routines and habits that are regularly or religiously followed can help with physical, emotional and mental health during difficult times.

Reach out to Friends, Family Members and Colleagues.  It is important that even if you are an introvert, one should keep in touch with family members, friends and colleagues or school mates.  Telephones, video calls, chatting via Social media, emails etc should developed and sustained.  However, Social distance as advised by health officials should be observed and strictly adhered to.

We are not expecting that this virus would be with us forever.  Scientists are working round the clock to help find a cure or even a vaccine for us.  We are also not praying for the worst situation i.e one to loose a job, but it is important to prepare for eventualities hence the addition of this portion to the article on life after the disaster.

In conclusion, with the right government intervention, via various stimuli packages, it is hoped that the economy will bounce back sooner rather than later. It’s hard to say when, as we’re still in the middle of the pandemic. However, the employee needs to understand that one isn’t alone, and be prepared for tough times in the short term, hopefully.  Hopes are not lost with life and good health. Mankind has seen worst situations and came out of it even better and stronger.  I pray that so it shall be for us with Corona Virus challenge.  Above all employees should ensure that they seize the opportunity of the lockdown to identify, refine and unlock their potentials whether or not the post pandemic period posit any challenge to anyone.  One should use the period to reflect and carryout introspection, review, restrategise and discover or rediscover one’s life.  It is said that the renowned Scientist Isaac Newton discovered gravity and postulated the Law of gravity while in quarantine!

“My Lord! Enrich me with knowledge…” (Quran 20:114)

For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 2:6)