Pounded yam with white soup

White soup is a local dish well-known to the Ibos and Efik people of Nigeria. You can use any protein of choice for this recipe. If using chicken, it’s advisable you go for hard chicken. White soup is also commonly eaten with pounded yam. However, you can try it with other types of swallow. Ingredients […]

Pounded yam with white soup

White soup is a local dish well-known to the Ibos and Efik people of Nigeria. You can use any protein of choice for this recipe. If using chicken, it’s advisable you go for hard chicken. White soup is also commonly eaten with pounded yam. However, you can try it with other types of swallow.


Goat meat, catfish (gutted and salted), pomo, smoked fish, ground crayfish, 2-3 slices of raw yam, seasoning cube, salt, pepper soup spice, dried Cameroon pepper or cayenne pepper, uyayak (aidan fruit).


  •   Bring goat meat, pomo, or any other mixed meat to a boil with salt and seasoning cubes until soft to perfection. (If using, add the smoked fish to the meat 10-15 minutes before turning off the heat.)
  •   Peel the yam, rinse it, and cook it till soft as you wait for the meat to begin to boil. Leave out the salt
  •     If the yam is cooked before the meat, you can either use a mortar and pestle or put it in a food processor and puree it until smooth. When you are finished, set the pounded yam aside to be used in the soup later.·      Cook the meat for an additional 5 minutes after adding ground crayfish, pepper soup seasoning, and Cameroun pepper. Check for salt and seasoning, and adjust as needed. Furthermore, if necessary, add extra water
  • Add the pounded yam to the broth a bit at a time; the pounded yam melts into the soup and thickens it. Simply add water until the soup reaches the desired consistency and whisk thoroughly to mix if it becomes too thick.
  • Add the fresh fish to the soup 5–10 minutes before serving and continue cooking for an additional 5–10 minutes, or until the fish is thoroughly cooked. Now, carefully stir to prevent breaking the fish.
  •     Remove soup from fire and serve with pounded yam.