Power for change

Luke 5:17-18; 24-26, “And it came to pass on a certain day, as he (mentor) was teaching (information), that there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by (environment), which were come out of every town of Galilee, and Judaea, and Jerusalem: and the power of the Lord (power)was present to heal them… [18] […]

Power for change
Power for change

Luke 5:17-18; 24-26, “And it came to pass on a certain day, as he (mentor) was teaching (information), that there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by (environment), which were come out of every town of Galilee, and Judaea, and Jerusalem: and the power of the Lord (power)was present to heal them… [18] And, behold, men (network) brought in a bed a man which was taken with a palsy: and they sought means to bring him in, and to lay him before him.”

“[24]… (He said unto the sick of the palsy,) I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy couch, and go into thine house. [25] And immediately he rose up before them, and took up that whereon he lay, and departed to his own house, glorifying God. [26] And they were all amazed, and they glorified God, and were filled with fear, saying, We have seen strange things to day.”

Here is a very fascinating story of a man who needed change. He was crippled and incapacitated. It took the power of God to get him healed.

Everyone desires change but not everyone gets it because it is not everyone who knows how to access the POWER FOR CHANGE. This man needed change and he got it. God released his power to change this man’s life. And the power of God was present to heal them.

We all need and desire change in one area or another. If you are sick in your body you need change. If you are broke you need change. If you are struggling in any area of life you need change. If your business is not working and producing the results you anticipate, you need change. If you are not making progress in your life, you need change. If your hopes keep getting dashed, you need change. If you experience failure at the edge of success, you need change. If people keep disappointing you, you need change. If everyone in your family is married except you, you need change. If your finance or your life is the same way it was a year ago or five years ago, you need change.

You need change if you have not been able to find a job since you left school, it doesn’t matter how long. If you are a student and you cannot gain admission into a higher school, if you have lived in a rented apartment for ten years, if you are finding it difficult to pray you need change.

You need change if you are unfruitful in any area of life. If your life is one long story or season of disappointment and frustration, you need change. If you are relegated instead of being promoted, you need change. If you have been marking time on one spot for long, you need change. If you lack favour in your life, you need change. If no one is willing to help you, you need change. If you have people who can help you but they keep giving excuses, you need change. If your pocket is always dry, you need change. If your pocket is full today dry tomorrow, you need change.

5 Agents Of Change Mentioned In This Passage

  1. New information. Change is impossible without learning something new. You will remain bound and broke until you acquire fresh information. The source of your information determines the power it carries. It is impossible to have first class results with third class information. Shallow information produces shallow results. If you are ignorant you will be ignored. Jesus was teaching; that is first class information! The source of ultimate wisdom is the revelation from God’s Word. The more revelation you have, the more elevation you enjoy.
  2. Network. Your network determines your net worth. This man had friends who helped him to get what he wanted. Not everyone will help you get what you want. Some will rather take what you have. The people you meet can either increase you or diminish you. Until the widow of Zarephath met the prophet Elijah, her fortune could not change. Until Naaman met Elisha, he remained a leper. Until Ruth met Boaz she was a poverty-stricken and frustrated immigrant widow. God will connect you to your helpers, in Jesus name!
  3. Mentors. Everyone is born with potential; everyone is born with promise. But it takes a mentor to develop your promise into possession. Many have died with their potential and greatness locked up in them because they did not submit to God-chosen mentors. Prophets bring intervention and deliverance once in a while, but mentors guide you into your destiny and help you to become successful. So, you need prophets and mentors. Joshua had Moses; Elisha was mentored by Elijah. Who is your mentor? How much does he know? What has he achieved that you desire? Without a mentor, you cannot be mended. Allow the Holy Spirit to mentor you directly and through your pastor or anyone you respect and desire to be like.
  4. Environment. Work environment, worship environment, social environment, etc. They were gathered where Jesus was. They were in fellowship. They were in church. You cannot get a good wife or husband from a beer parlour or club. It is impossible for a whale to survive or thrive in a fishpond. There are places where you cannot remain small. Peter could only catch plenty fish in deep waters. Jesus told him to launch out into the deep. Shallow waters do not contain what you desire. You’ve got to launch out into the deep. May God direct you to your deep waters in your business!
  5. Power. “…the power of God was present to heal them” the final agent of change is power. Movement is impossible without energy. You need power to produce the change you want. You need power to attract what you desire into your life. The source of your power determines the strength of change it can deliver to you. It was not ordinary power that was present; it was God’s power! The power of divinity; the power of the Most High, the power of the Wisest. The power of the omnipotent God was present! This is the power that raises the dead, divides the sea, and makes water come out of the rock. This is the power that made Peter walk on water. This is the power that made Joseph prime minister in Egypt. This is the power that multiplied a boy’s lunch to feed five thousand men. This is the power that gave Israel wealth overnight before they left Egypt finally. God’s power produces giant results. God’s power produces giants out of midgets. It produces champions out of losers! Pay attention to your source if you want giant results in your life. Ultimate power comes from the Ultimate Ruler in the Universe. When He speaks, His Word is with power. Pay attention to it and you cannot remain small. Pay attention to God’s Word if you want to command attention. Power for change is in the name of Jesus.

I want you to notice something in this scripture: the power of God was present to heal ‘them’ but only a ‘him’ was healed! Only one man was healed!

Change is possible when the Word of God comes. Power is released when the inspired Word of God is declared in faith. Faith comes when the inspired Word of God is believed. Change occurs when the inspired Word of God believed is acted upon.

I pray you are the ‘him’ that will be healed and delivered today! I pray you are the ‘him’ that will receive breakthrough today!

Do you want change? God’s power is present right now to produce the change you desire. Are you sick in your body? Are you oppressed in any way? Do you desire breakthrough? God’s power is present right where you are now to help you with the change you need.

Lift up your hands now and receive the power of God into your life.


Bishop Dr. Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l. Website: www.dayspringcmi.org e-mail: [email protected] Help line: 08035150515

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