Practice beyond litigation

“Your role, plus your goal, plus the toll equals success.” – Robert Schuller Knowing yourself and what you want from the legal profession is very important in establishing strategies as a young lawyer. Some young lawyers find themselves doing something they have no joy or passion for; some still don’t know what to do with […]

Practice beyond litigation
Practice beyond litigation

“Your role, plus your goal, plus the toll equals success.”
– Robert Schuller

Knowing yourself and what you want from the legal profession is very important in establishing strategies as a young lawyer. Some young lawyers find themselves doing something they have no joy or passion for; some still don’t know what to do with the qualification ‘Barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria’; some are going through a particular direction because every lawyer in town is moving towards there.
As Paul said in the holy book, “It is unwise to compare ourselves among ourselves”. What may be good for the goose may not actually be good for the gander, we should choose our path based on talent, skills, goals and calling, not what the lawyer next door is doing to succeed.
The legal profession is a unique, dynamic, wide, comprehensive, all-encompassing and profitable profession, litigation to me is just one part of a thousand and one germane areas still left untapped.
Please don’t get me wrong, litigation is good for every lawyer at the early stages of practice – going to court frequently and engaging with litigants boosts confidence and self-esteem on the young lawyer. It sometimes happens that after call to Bar, new entrants are shy to introduce themselves in the society as lawyers or are still unsure of what is expected of a lawyer. Litigation at this stage for two years minimum, is needed to bring out the lawyer in you, after that, you can now decide to venture into any other area favourable to your kind of person.
Mr. Idris A. Mohammed MCIArb (UK) presented a paper to the Young Lawyers session at the NBA Kaduna Branch Law Week on ‘Young Lawyers and Career Development: Seeing Beyond Litigation’ wherein he advocated other areas of law beside litigation that a young lawyer can venture into:
Alternative Dispute Resolution, arbitration and mediation, though with wide spread in jurisdictions such as Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt, is still in its infancy in the North, which provides an opportunity and avenue for young lawyers to get into it for additional source of income for law practice.
Information Technology is also a veritable tool to improve productivity in practice as there are so many opportunities that are waiting to be tapped like taking legal practice online, see, , and in Nigeria As soon as a young lawyer can “have a portal for legal documents, a resource platform for lawyers and a directory/lead generation platform for lawyers, you could consider going this route for your career.”
Company secretaries ensure organisations comply with company laws and regulations, a young lawyer can provide secretarial work while not being employed by the company. “The fact that to register a company requires a secretary ab initio, is itself a veritable opportunity for provision of legal services.”
Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), with a law degree there are two basic ways to take advantage from an NGO i.e either working for one or set up a non-governmental organisation of your own. “If you are consistent and diligent on your drive, you would soon be attracting foreign aid and contributions.”
Media and writing is also a veritable source of alternative career development option. “Media houses always require lawyers to provide commentary on contemporary topical issues, it is another way of putting yourself out as an expert in a particular field of law. Be it radio, television, print media or online media, your services would be required and it does not require any further training.”
We also have politics and leadership, salaried employment or specialisation, but in all of these alternative paths to litigation, the bulk of the work stops at the desk of a young lawyer. Truth be told, one can only succeed in the profession with patience, commitment, diligence and hard work irrespective of the area of law.
As aptly put by lawn tennis star Serena Williams, “You have to believe in yourself when no one does”, and boxing legend Mohammed Ali “To be a great champion you must believe you are the best”, I wish every young lawyer the best in their career.
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