Prayer: A powerful weapon that can change things

Prayer is the raising up of our mind and heart to God. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, No. 141). It gives us the opportunity to communicate and speak with God as a father. Prayer is the link between you and God just like the relationship that exists between two friends. As human beings we are […]

Prayer: A powerful weapon that can change things

Prayer is the raising up of our mind and heart to God. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, No. 141). It gives us the opportunity to communicate and speak with God as a father. Prayer is the link between you and God just like the relationship that exists between two friends. As human beings we are spiritual just as our prayers and God who created us. Prayer is the instrument we use in fighting battles both physical and spiritual. There are some battles that you will fight not with physical hands but with the weapon of prayer. Prayer is an activity that cuts across all religions irrespective of their denomination. It is a habit we are all called to imbibe so that we can do well in whatever religion we find ourselves. Prayer has never failed anyone, it depends on the content and how we say it. When situations prove to be very difficult we often result to prayer because we believe that through it our problems will be solved. Some people see prayer as a waste of time all because they feel that you cannot speak to the one you do not see. The foundation of prayer is “faith”   once your prayer is based on faith there is always an assurance that something must surely be done. Some prayers are delayed; some prayers are not even answered while others may get instant reply. All these often happen for a reason. When a prayer is delayed and later answered, often times it gives us a strong reason to praise and thank God in a very special way. When prayers are answered instantly, it makes our faith to be stronger and also build our trust and confidence in God. When prayers are not answered, may be the request we are putting forward is not too good for us. Such prayer may be cancelled because it will not benefit us. If we pay serious attention, we will realise the reason why such prayers were not answered. Prayer is a thing of the mind; once your mind is focused you can pray. Prayer does not depend on time. They are heard once there is a connection between you and God. Prayer is not a one way traffic but a conversation between you and God. When we talk to God we should also wait for a reply. Through prayer we are able to get feedback from God. Prayer is the magnet that always draws us closer to God. Through it we are able to penetrate the mind of God. Prayer is the master key to every door. Furthermore, prayer is the engine room where we generate power and also command things either to be or not to be. Prayer involves sacrifice. By sacrifice, I mean sometimes our prayers may include fasting whereby our prayer goes with abstinence (staying away from food or pleasure). Prayer is not what you do and stop, it must be persistent because through it you will draw God’s attention and get your request answered. To be persistent in prayer requires a great deal which means we will continue to pray until something happens.

A typical example of persistency in prayer could be found in Luke 18:1-8 where Jesus gave the parable of a widow and the unjust judge. In a certain city, the woman had nobody to defend her against her adversary so she became so helpless that she began to look for assistance that will help her to get justice. She thought that since she had nobody to help her from her family members she would have to go through the law. The unjust judge pretended not to notice her yet she continued to press further hoping that one day her case will get justice. Her persistency became a weapon for her breakthrough; she finally got what she wanted because she persevered. Many of us are not patient enough to get answers to our prayers; most of the time we feel that we are not heard or we lose hope and stop praying. Losing hope will not solve the problem rather it will worsen it. Persevering or waiting is a virtue. Many people had hurried to do things and today they are regretting due to their impatience. When we persevere or wait, most times we see God at work just like the widow that got the justice she requested for. When we pray we should try as much as possible to rely on God for a reply. Prayer has the ability to change our ugly situations. When things are not going well let us talk to God about it through prayer. Prayer requires us to humble ourselves so that we can really rely or depend on God for our needs. In 1 Samuel 1:2-2:21 we saw how prayer helped to change the life of Hannah. During her period of childlessness, her life was miserable that she never wanted to eat. Every year when the whole family visits Shiloh, Elikanah, her husband, always feels pity for her because of her condition of being barren. After many years of prayers, her request was granted and her situation changed from sorrow to joy. Also in Luke 18:10-14 we saw how two persons prayed. The Pharisee tried to praise himself for doing so well  while the Publican beat his breast and never dared to look up to heaven but asked God to have mercy on him a sinner. The heart of the later was heavy and his humility brought about change in his life. He became free from his state of bondage and sorrow to freedom and joy because the prayer he prayed was able to change his situation. Due to the fact that he spoke the truth about his situation from his heart, he became a happy man. This is what the power of prayer is capable of doing.

In the same way, in the book of Daniel 6:7-22 we saw how Daniel prayed without season. When they were not to pray to other gods, Daniel could not stop praying because it had become part and parcel of his life. As human beings when we dedicate ourselves to a life of prayer, we will be directed by God. When the enemies of Daniel discovered that after the king had passed a decree Daniel was still praying to his God, they conspired against him. Although the king was not happy, he had no other choice than to give in. Daniel’s life of prayer helped him out from the ugly situation. When he was thrown in to the lion’s den for disobeying the king’s order, his life was preserved and saved, and his enemies were punished instead. This situation has showed us how prayer works. Some people may say otherwise but I must tell you prayer is the “master key”.

In conclusion, through prayer Hannah’s problem was solved and she became a mother. Also through prayer, the publican was able to speak to God about his sinful life and he was forgiven. Finally through prayer again, Daniel’s life was preserved when he was thrown into the Lion’s Den. Do you still doubt the power of prayer? Try it, and you will testify.

Sr Margret Ogbebor SSMA is a Catholic Nun, working in the Catholic Diocese of Sokoto. She is the Head Teacher of St Martin de Porres Nursery and Primary School Katsina. [email protected]