President Buhari, please arrest these killings now

It will not be totally out of place to say that the rampage of the herdsmen and the other recent killings in our country are anti-Buhari. I have to point this out because, in a country where self-interest seems to trump everything else, especially in leadership, it may be an effective way to get President […]

President Buhari, please arrest these killings now

It will not be totally out of place to say that the rampage of the herdsmen and the other recent killings in our country are anti-Buhari. I have to point this out because, in a country where self-interest seems to trump everything else, especially in leadership, it may be an effective way to get President Muhammadu Buhari to use every means available to him to arrest this murderous march of anarchy.
For we are witnessing a pattern of seemingly well-orchestrated violence whose legacy of death and hate may likely cause a clash between the South of the country and the North, with predictable consequences for our nation’s peace, unity and stability, should it be allowed to fester any longer. 
Now, as an agent of change, Buhari promised to put a stop to the reign of impunity in the land, with emphasis, it would seem, on the way some of our public office holders allegedly helped themselves with the contents of the public till, looting it without facing sanction and without consideration for our country’s future.
But the change that replaces a situation in which we had our treasury plundered with impunity with one in which we are having our lives destroyed with impunity, in our country, in peacetime, under the rule of law, cannot be deemed as an improvement. In fact, it is a worse situation in so far as we humans generally regard the loss of life as the greatest of all losses.

Ikeogu Oke
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 08034531501