President Jonathan, please buy helicopter

Now to the crux of the matter. Why should I be forced to halt my movement for a whole one hour simply because my president is passing? In my latest experience, the security guys that were in charge of the junction where I met my barricade within the Central Business District, it appeared that the […]

President Jonathan, please buy helicopter
President Jonathan, please buy helicopter

Now to the crux of the matter. Why should I be forced to halt my movement for a whole one hour simply because my president is passing? In my latest experience, the security guys that were in charge of the junction where I met my barricade within the Central Business District, it appeared that the road was closed as soon as the president landed at Abuja airport. This is so because it took his convoy more than 30 minutes (even with their usual crazy speed) to get to where we were forced to temporarily halt our movement. And so I had to alight from the car. I spent my waiting time under a shrub by the roadside.
I am angry at the president’s insensitivity because I missed a crucial business meeting. And I may be able to fix the meeting to another time even with the attendant extra cost in money and man hour. But what about someone who might be on the way to hospital, perhaps with an emergency, and is stopped for the president to pass? What about the multitude of foot that were literally forced to hang under Abuja’s sometimes harsh weather? It simply isn’t fair for the president to subject his citizens to this type of dehumanising treatment. And that is why President Jonathan needs to, as a matter of urgency, acquire a chopper.
A chopper for the president’s movement from the Villa to the airport especially shouldn’t be a big matter at all. Looking at it from even economic point of view, I believe it will cost less in both human and economic resources than the current arrangement whereby hundreds of security personnel are lined up all the way across his path. What about the so many vehicles in the convoy? What about other associated needs like security gadgets and other hardware that is essential to provide VIP protection to the Nigerian president?
In conclusion, I am still mad at how I missed out of my meeting. I am still going to suffer more of similar challenges so long as the president keeps moving in motorcades.
Philips M Ndahi, Abuja ([email protected])