Press Institute says 83 journalists killed in 2015 … As journalists’ safety declaration is launched

The International Declaration and Best Practices to Promote Journalists’ Safety was launched in Geneva on Thursday against the revelation that no less than 83 journalists have been killed mostly in the course of their work around the world so far this year. A coalition of media outfits and media-related organizations, including the International Press Institute […]

Press Institute says 83 journalists killed in 2015 … As journalists’ safety declaration is launched
Press Institute says 83 journalists killed in 2015 … As journalists’ safety declaration is launched

The International Declaration and Best Practices to Promote Journalists’ Safety was launched in Geneva on Thursday against the revelation that no less than 83 journalists have been killed mostly in the course of their work around the world so far this year.
A coalition of media outfits and media-related organizations, including the International Press Institute (IPI), Al Jazeera Media Network (AJMN), Geneva Global Media and the Geneva Press Club presented the journalists’ safety document at an event organised in the Switzerland capital and aimed at reinforcing existing international obligations and mechanisms related to journalists’ safety and contribute to the protection of journalists’ rights.
A statement from the organizers of the event says the journalists’ safety document is the outcome of an initiative of the AJMN, IPI, the Africa Media Initiative (AMI) and the International News Safety Institute (INSI) and “which saw the participation of over 70 representatives of media organisations, press freedom and journalists’ groups, international organisations and independent experts.”
The statement quotes IPI Executive Director Barbara Trionfi as saying at the event, “Journalists today face increasing danger, as in many parts of the world, killing a journalist has become the easiest way to silence the entire media community by generating fear,” and adding, “We trust that this Declaration, which has seen the active contribution of some of the world’s greatest experts in this area, will contribute to ongoing efforts to ensure implementation of international mechanisms related to journalists’ safety and reduce the risks journalists face in covering the news.”
The International Declaration highlights “the existence of numerous international mechanisms aimed at ensuring journalists can practice their profession freely and without fear of retaliation,” but regrets that the “failure to implement those mechanisms and fulfill international obligations has turned journalism into an increasingly dangerous profession,” reminds states (countries) of their responsibilities, and presents a set of best practices that media organizations should consider “in an attempt to limit the dangers” of the profession.
Participants at the Geneva event were told by IPI’s Death Watch officers that at least 83 journalists have been killed in 2015, a death tally said to include journalists and media staff who were “deliberately targeted because of their profession or who lost their lives while on assignment.”
Media organisations from which representatives drafted the journalists Safety Declaration include Afghan Journalists Safety Committee; Africa24 Media, Camerapix, Kenya; African Media Initiative (AMI); Al Jazeera Media Network; Associated Press (AP); Association of European Journalists; BBC; BuzzFeed; Capital, Crown Publishing. PLC, Ethiopia; Center for Defending Freedom of Journalists (CDFJ), Jordan; CNN; Coalition on Media Safety (PCOMS), Pakistan; Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ); Community Media Network, Jordan; and Daily Trust, Nigeria; among others.