Pressure to falter power sector reform

As someone with interest in the power sector, particularly the Rural Electrification Agency, I am compelled to raise some issues regarding happenings that could frustrate our national development.  My observations are borne out of the importance of the power sector to the fabrics of our national development. I have  also watched with keen interest Engr. […]

Pressure to falter power sector reform

As someone with interest in the power sector, particularly the Rural Electrification Agency, I am compelled to raise some issues regarding happenings that could frustrate our national development.  My observations are borne out of the importance of the power sector to the fabrics of our national development.

I have  also watched with keen interest Engr. Sale Mamman’s resolve to focus on the assignment given him by the President, Muhammadu Buhari, to fix the power sector.

I must confess that his efforts as Minister of Power are commendable. Engr. Mamman Sale has performed beyond expectation. The country may not be there yet in terms of enjoying full scale electricity but there has been tremendous progress under his watch.

One of the biggest achievements under his supervision is his resolve and commitment to effect changes that would ensure adequate full budget implementation for results. Many have scored him high on this note.

However, recent developments at the Rural Electrification Agency wherein some elements have resisted the wind of positive change are becoming worrisome. My checks reveal that high wired conspirators are bent on employing every means possible to distract the ministry from achieving the Presidential Mandate given it to satisfy Nigerians with adequate electricity.

I am in the know of recent disturbing happenings within the power sector, in which sinister moves, underhand tactics, subtle blackmail and dropping of ‘powerful’ names by some persons referred to as ‘Kwara Mafia’ to influence and mount undue pressure on the Chief of Staff to the President, Prof. Ibrahim Gambari, who is from Kwara State to talk to the minister in order to do their inordinate bidding.

Their intention is simply to pressure and mislead him into doing the wrong thing that would at the end of the day be detrimental to his integrity.

Apart from undue pressure on the Chief of Staff, there are also cases of insubordinations within the agency against the leadership of the ministry.

This is because the ministry’s leadership has been trying to right some wrongs and put round pegs in round holes at both the Rural Electrification Agency (REA) and the ministry but a top gun at the agency has been frustrating these efforts by not releasing the letters of redeployment accordingly due to his perceived connections in ‘higher’ places.

Pressure is being mounted on the leadership to rescind some of these good decisions taken in good faith, which is for the good and benefit of the country.

The situation at the REA is so worrisome that some of those affected in the recent redeployment are beating their chests and boasting that no one can move them because of their high connection with Prof. Gambari.

In fact, it beats my imagination that a civil servant will fight a redeployment that is a normal routine procedure.

In this regard, all and sundry must note that undertaking such proper service procedure must be seen in good light and above primordial sentiments driven by ego.

Chinedu Odinta writes from Stadium Road, Enugu