Prioritise welfare over hajj subsidies: An open letter to Gov Bala Mohammed

Dear governor, I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent increase in the hajj pilgrimage fare for 2024 by the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON). As you may be aware, the increase has led some individuals to call upon state governors, including yourself, to subsidise the cost on behalf of intending […]

Prioritise welfare over hajj subsidies: An open letter to Gov Bala Mohammed

Bala Mohammed

Dear governor, I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent increase in the hajj pilgrimage fare for 2024 by the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON). As you may be aware, the increase has led some individuals to call upon state governors, including yourself, to subsidise the cost on behalf of intending pilgrims. While I understand the significance of the hajj for many Muslims, I firmly believe that allocating state funds to support this endeavour will be both wrong and unjust.

Instead, I implore you to prioritise the millions of less privileged citizens residing throughout Bauchi State. The dire circumstances faced by these individuals are evident in the numerous challenges they confront daily, including access to basic necessities such as food and healthcare.

As a leader, your responsibility lies in ensuring that the resources available to you are allocated in a manner that benefits the greatest number of your constituents.

To further emphasise the urgency of this matter, consider the recent tragedy in which some individuals lost their lives in a stampede while competing for a modest sum of N10,000 zakat. This heartbreaking event serves as a stark reminder of the suffering that persists within our state. By diverting funds intended for vital public services to hajj subsidies we risk exacerbating these hardships and neglecting the needs of those who require our assistance the most.

It is crucial to remember that the performance of hajj is a sacred obligation that is only binding upon those who can afford it without causing hardship to themselves or their families. By utilising state resources to support those who can otherwise manage the cost, we not only undermine the very essence of this religious duty, but also perpetuate a system that disproportionately benefits a select few at the expense of the broader community.

In the light of these considerations, I urge you to reject the notion of using Bauchi State’s resources to supplement hajj fares. Instead, I implore you to direct your attention and the available funds towards initiatives that will alleviate the suffering of our less fortunate citizens and uplift the overall wellbeing of our state. By doing so, you will not only adhere to the principles of fairness and justice, but also demonstrate your commitment to the welfare of all Bauchi State residents.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Comrade Muhammed Ishaq wrote via [email protected].


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