Private sector can be resource to bridge emissions gap’

Cities, states, civil society and the private sector can be the resource that puts the world over the top in our fight to reduce CO2 emissions,” said head of UN Environment, Erik Solheim. Solheim, who stated this in a statement released by the organisation on the global review of climate action, said the world urgently […]

Private sector can be resource to bridge emissions gap’
Private sector can be resource to bridge emissions gap’

Cities, states, civil society and the private sector can be the resource that puts the world over the top in our fight to reduce CO2 emissions,” said head of UN Environment, Erik Solheim.

Solheim, who stated this in a statement released by the organisation on the global review of climate action, said the world urgently needs leaders with the political courage to act.

“Non-state actors are stepping up, but they need government engagement to bridge the emissions gap. The time is now to put it all together and finally address our new climate reality,” he said.

The UN head was speaking in regards to new report that global climate action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions finds a broad spectrum of commitments from non-state and sub-national actors with potential to support and ultimately outpace governments in their emissions reductions.

The statement is ahead of the Global Climate Action Summit (GCAS) to highlight the crucial role of non-state actors in reducing emissions and reaching climate targets.

“Ranging from city, state and regional governments to companies, investors, higher education institutions and civil society organizations, non-state actors are increasingly committing to bold climate action,” the report said.

As most national governments continue to come up short on their promises for better climate policy as pledged in the Paris Agreement, these efforts are increasingly recognised as a key element to achieving global emissions goals.

In total, the report finds these pledges represent a projected reduction of between 1.5 -2.2 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (GtCO2e) by 2030.