Project graduates 120 Kano girls

An academic group, Jean Herskovits Scholars, has graduated 120 girls aged seven to nine years from marginalised communities in public schools with basic literacy, numeracy and life skills through safe spaces thereby promoting inclusive and equitable quality education for girls in Kano State. The programme, an initiative of the Isa Wali Empowerment Initiative (IWEI), is […]

Project graduates 120 Kano girls

Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf of Kano State

An academic group, Jean Herskovits Scholars, has graduated 120 girls aged seven to nine years from marginalised communities in public schools with basic literacy, numeracy and life skills through safe spaces thereby promoting inclusive and equitable quality education for girls in Kano State.

The programme, an initiative of the Isa Wali Empowerment Initiative (IWEI), is focused on empowering women, youths and children to enable them escape from the cycle of poverty.

The Project Officer of IWEI, Aisha Aminu Mohammed, said, “We firmly believe that education is the cornerstone of empowerment, and this programme is a testament to our dedication to making a positive impact in the lives of these young learners.

“Today, we celebrate the achievements of 120 remarkable girls who have successfully completed the one-year programme.”

She added that among the graduates, 46 girls had been awarded scholarships to attend private schools as part of a significant step forward in ensuring that the young talents had the opportunity to receive quality education and expand their horizons.