Provokers are enemies of peace

Provocation is simply an action or event that makes someone angry or upset. A provoker’s speech or action is usually intended to insult a person or group. The holy Qur’an strongly discourages the hurting of others’ sensitivities regardless of whether it is done with or without a valid reason. Islam enjoins believers to be sensitive […]

Provokers are enemies of peace

Provocation is simply an action or event that makes someone angry or upset. A provoker’s speech or action is usually intended to insult a person or group. The holy Qur’an strongly discourages the hurting of others’ sensitivities regardless of whether it is done with or without a valid reason. Islam enjoins believers to be sensitive to the feelings of others through self-restraint; a virtue that involvesforgiveness, patience, good speech and benevolence.

As a consequence of provocation, a fight broke out last week at the new Panteka market along the NnamdiAzikiwe bypass in Kaduna when an Igbo man allegedly named his dog Muhammad. But before naming the dog Muhammad, another man had named his dog after the Igbo man.

Eye witness sources said trouble started when one Muhammad bought a dog and allegedly named it Ibere after an Igbo trader. Soon after the dog was named Ibere, the Igbo trader had warned Muhammad on several occasions to rename the dog but Muhammad who owns the pet refused. Ibere thus felt provoked and decided to buy a dog and thereafter named it Muhammad. It was because of this tit-for-tat action that “hell was let loose” at the market. The fight which quicklytook ethnic dimensions led to the closure of the market by police authorities. It became a fight between Hausa and Igbo traders at the market. Pantekais a major spare parts center which plays hosts many auto-mechanic garages in Kaduna.

Ibere’s reaction was prompted by the blameworthy action of Muhammad who named a dog after Ibere. Whatever Ibere did was a reaction to the insensitivebehavior of Muhammad. There is little or no difference between Muhammad and an ignorant Muslim who thinks the best way to express hatred to followers of other religions is to insult them by abusingtheir revered leaders, sacred books, places or events. Islam forbids this in order to forestall a situation in which a non-Muslim would react violently to the insensitivity of a Muslim. A provoked non-Muslim could react by abusing prophets or messengers of Islam. Allah (SWT) states in Qur’an 6:108 “Revile not ye those whom they call upon besides Allah, lest they out of spite revile Allah in their ignorance…”It is for this same reason that Muslims are discouraged from engaging non-Muslims in arguments “except in the most kindly manner” because they are likely to, out of ignorance, insult the sensibilities of Muslims and that could possibly lead to hot quarrels and fight. Only people who detest peace provoke others. Provokers are enemies of peace.

Muhammad should not have named a dog after Ibere because, even as a non-Muslim, the latter deserved to enjoy respect from Muhammad in the light of human dignity. The Islamic viewpoint on the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims is summarized in Qur’an 60:8 wherein Allah (SWT)states “Allah forbids you not , with regards to those who fight you not for (your) faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them; for Allah loves those who are just”. Muhammad’s action thus contravenes the teaching of Islam that guarantees kindness and protection to non-Muslims including the Igbo trader, Ibere. Qur’an 60:8 thus permits friendly association with peace-loving non-Muslims who have not declared war against Muslims.

Muslims are thereforeexhorted by Islam to relate with non-Muslimsgood-naturedly. The only time a non-Muslim loses his right to kindness from Muslims is when he becomes hostile or drives Muslims out of their homes. Allah (SWT) mentions in Qur’an 60:9 “Allah only forbids you with regard to those who fight you for (your) faith, and drive you out of your homes, and support others in driving you out, from turning to them (for friendship and protection). It is those that turn to them (in these circumstances) that do wrong”.

Friendliness with non-hostile non-Muslims is enjoined in Islam. Although Islam has been misinterpreted to suggest otherwise, many classical commentators of the Qur’an attest to the permissibility of kindness to non-aggressive non-Muslims. The Prophet (SAW)was openly friendly to non-Muslims such that he allowed them into his mosque in order to enter into pacts or alliances with them and also to resolve issues amicably. If all non-Muslims were enemies to Muslims by default, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) would not have sat with them in his mosque to discuss issues. Islam considers every human life as sacred and therefore requires that every person, irrespective of faith, is respected and treated kindly. Muhammad who named a dog Ibere at the Panteka market was unfriendly to the Igbo trader who answered that name.

Even when a Muslim suffers provocation from a non-Muslim, he or she is advised to exercise self-restraint in reacting to theincitement or affront.The holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as a perfect model, was insulted to his face but never retaliated. The Qur’an records that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was referred to as crazy andcalled a liar. Yet, he never called upon anyone to attack these people who labeled him with offensive nicknames.

Muslims who derive “Pleasure” from insulting other Muslims as well as non-Muslims in words or in action are actually ignorant of Islam.Peace is, and should be, precious to every sensible person. Scholars and leaders have a duty to educate their audience about Islam’s standpointon how non-violent non-Muslims should be treated. May Allah (SWT) guide s to understandand practice Islam as revealed by the creator of the heavens and the earth and as taught by the Prophet (SAW), amin.