Provost Leishman opens clinic at Scotland’s Dunfermline Mosque

A new health clinic at Dunfermline Central Mosque, Scotland, was launched by Provost Jim Leishman. A partnership with NHS Fife and Dears Pharmacy, it provides free screenings and consultations with medical experts. Local pharmacist Naseem Sadiq organised the initiative as part of the Woodmill Road mosque’s aim to create new events and clubs to support […]

Provost Leishman opens clinic at Scotland’s Dunfermline Mosque

Provost Leishman opens clinic at Scotland’s Dunfermline Mosque

A new health clinic at Dunfermline Central Mosque, Scotland, was launched by Provost Jim Leishman.

A partnership with NHS Fife and Dears Pharmacy, it provides free screenings and consultations with medical experts.

Local pharmacist Naseem Sadiq organised the initiative as part of the Woodmill Road mosque’s aim to create new events and clubs to support the community.

The health checks will take place seasonally with the next event, looking at diabetes, heart disease and nutrition, in the summer.

Naseem explained: “In Islam, it is encouraged to take care of our health and wellbeing. We had attendance from all age groups within the local Muslim community. It is also important to note that this service is open to all members of the public who wish to attend.”

He added: “It was encouraging to receive all the positive feedback from those attending the clinic. I hope that by a process of education we can help everyone improve their lives and personal health.”

The first clinic exceeded expectations with over 40 people in attendance and Ajaz Mohammed, chairman of the mosque, said: “I am very delighted with the direction our new committee is taking our mosque with the various events, new clubs being created and the start of our health clinic as further work in community engagement and offering more services was a key objective for us.”