Raising godly children (II)

Psalm 127:3, “Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.” (MSG) “Don’t you see that children are GOD’s best gift? the fruit of the womb his generous legacy?”  10 Parental Roles In Raising Godly Children   (…continued from last week) 4. Watch what they watch and read. […]

Raising godly children (II)
Raising godly children (II)

Psalm 127:3, “Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.”

(MSG) “Don’t you see that children are GOD’s best gift? the fruit of the womb his generous legacy?” 

10 Parental Roles In Raising Godly Children 

 (…continued from last week)

4. Watch what they watch and read. Poisonous materials like the worldly magazines and videotapes can contaminate both their spiritual and moral values. Rather, buy Christian films or magazines or literature that will enhance their love for God.

5. Give them attention: child-raising is a responsibility and not a burden; so don’t leave your child or children at the mercy of your house help or neighbor. Not even at the mercy of your father, mother, sister, brother or uncle or teacher. Nobody can train your child or children like you more so that God has entrusted them into your care.

Genesis 18:19 “…for I know him that he will command his children and household after him and they shall keep the way of the Lord to do justice and judgment …” Remember that God will hold you accountable for their lives until they reach the age of accountability. It is therefore necessary you act well your part. Show interest in their schoolwork and give assistance where necessary. Check their bags from time to time and be sure they are not in possession of other children’s belongings. If you discover any, reprimand them and make sure they return them to their owners. 

“Thou shall beat him with the rod and shall deliver his soul from hell.” Proverbs 23:14

6. Demand obedience from your children. Your children are gifts from the Lord. Take time to unlock their greatness. Help create order in their lives. Make a list of their daily chores. They deserve to know your specific expectations of them. Penalize them for disobedience.  Reward them for obedience. Do it consistently, they are worth all the trouble.

Don’t spare the rod Proverbs 22:15, 13:24; 23:13 – 14. “Withhold not correction from a child for if thou beatest him he shall not die.” Discipline is one of the ways of training a child. God expects us to discipline our children with the ‘rod’. It is a tool of discipline that must be used to mold the character and give shape to the lives of our children.

There are two types of rods; namely spiritual and physical. The spiritual is the Word of God, which is the strongest you can use to discipline your child. It has an in-built capacity to change and transform the life of a child more than any physical cane can. 2 Timothy 3:16 – 17 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God and it’s profitable for doctrine for reproof, for correction for instruction in righteousness …”

If your child misbehaves, rather than hitting him/her with a stick, locate the Word of God that is relevant to what he did, and show him the why his/her deed was wrong and why he must change. Let him/her know that his/her deed is displeasing to God and that he/she must repent and ask God for forgiveness. Give him/her room to accept his/her fault while trusting the Holy Spirit to convict him/her. 

The physical rod is the cane. It may be necessary to reproof a child with a cane once in a while but don’t make it a habit to beat him/her for every wrong deed else he/she will be hardened. If you must beat him/her at all, make sure you explain to him or her the reason for your action. Let him/her know that love is behind it. At all times the spiritual rod, which is the Word of God, should be applied first before you think of the physical rod. But never you neglect both of them! Eli did, and he was unable to deliver the souls of his children from hell.

7. Pray for them. Prayer releases the power of God to be at work in the lives of your children. As Christian parents who desire to see our children brought up in the way of the Lord, we should make out time to pray with them and for them. It is important to pray with them because they will now how to pray in the process, but praying for them will help them to walk in God’s plan for their lives. Prayer makes discipline easy, whatever is plaguing your child or children can be taken captive in prayer because the spiritual controls the physical.

8. Make positive confession over them. Mark 11:23-24. Speak to manifestation whatever you want to see in the lives of your children. Never you allow a negative word to slip out of your mouth even at the face of provocation! Knowing that you will see the fruits of whatever seed you sow into their lives.

9. Sow financial seeds for their future and teach them to do the same when they are more matured.

10. Give them career guidance but don’t force them into anything. It is important that they are guided into something they are wired for; not just what you or they fancy.

Raising Godly Children-Godly Mothers

Many godly men of the past have been richly blessed by what they learned from their mothers. Consider the biblical characters Moses, Samuel, and Timothy. The maternal influence experienced by these spiritual leaders bore rich fruit in their lives. Think too of men like Augustine, John Newton, and the zealous Wesley brothers. Their names would probably never have lighted the pages of history if it hadn’t been for the godly women who raised them in homes where the law of love and a Christian witness were their daily guide and inspiration.

Susannah Wesley, for example, spent one hour each day praying for her 17 children. In addition, she took each child aside for a full hour every week to discuss spiritual matters. No wonder two of her sons, Charles and John, were used of God to bring blessing to all of England and much of America. Here are a few rules she followed in training her children: 

(1) Subdue self-will in a child and thus work together with God to save his soul. 

(2) Teach him to pray as soon as he can speak. 

(3) Give him nothing he cries for and only what is good for him if he asks for it politely. 

(4) To prevent lying, punish no fault which is freely confessed, but never allow a rebellious, sinful act to go unnoticed

(5) Commend and reward good behaviour. 

(6) Strictly observe all promises you have made to your child.

Let us honour our godly mothers today, not only with words of praise, but with lives that reflect the impact of their holy influence! – H.G.B.

Our Daily Bread, May 8

As we depend on the Holy Spirit to raise our children in God’s way they will not only do us proud, but also bring glory and honour to the name of the Lord in Jesus’ name.

In summary

Your children are gifts from the Lord. Take time to unlock their greatness. Help create order in their lives. Make a list of their daily chores. They deserve to know your specific expectations of them. Penalize them for disobedience.  Reward them for obedience. Do it consistently, they are worth all the trouble.

Bishop Dr Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l.