Ramadan is here again

At the time of submitting this piece, the announcement for the commencement of this year’s Ramadan fast has not been made. Given the count of the lunar month of Sha’aban, yesterday Friday was the 29th; meaning that today Saturday, April 2, 2022, could be the first day of Ramadan. Otherwise, it is certain to start […]

Ramadan is here again

At the time of submitting this piece, the announcement for the commencement of this year’s Ramadan fast has not been made. Given the count of the lunar month of Sha’aban, yesterday Friday was the 29th; meaning that today Saturday, April 2, 2022, could be the first day of Ramadan. Otherwise, it is certain to start tomorrow. In any case, we give glory to Allah for sparing our lives to witness the 1443AH Ramadan fast.

Fasting during the month of Ramadan was made obligatory (wajib) during the month of Sha’ban in the second year after the Prophet (SAW)’s migration from Makkah to Madinah. Allah (SWT) states in the Qur’an 2:183 that “O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you; that ye may (learn) self-restraint”. The special attributes granted to this holy month makes it unique; providing golden opportunities for spiritual enrichment, which every Muslim should strive to take advantage of. 

It was in Ramadan that the holy Qur’an was revealed to humanity through Prophet Muhammad (SAW). It’s also in Ramadan that the religious seclusion called I’tikaf is exclusively observed; meaning that there can be no I’itikaf without Ramadan. It’s in Ramadan that a night that is greater in value than a thousand ordinary nights is found; the night of Laylat ul-Qadr. Similarly, it’s only in Ramadan that the superogatory Tarawih prayer (usually offered after Ishai prayer) is observed. Unlike other forms of worship which are rewarded by the angels, Allah Himself, gives the reward for fasting. Indeed, Ramadan is the best of times in the life of a Muslim.

Ramadan is a sacred month in which Allah has promised to forgive every repentant Muslim; grant mercy to every seeker of amnesty; and pardon those who ask for it. Abu Hurayrah (RA) reports from the Prophet (SAW) that the gates to hell fire remain closed throughout each Ramadan period just as the gates to paradise are left open during the same period; so that the wish and prayer of those who desire the latter (paradise) would graciously be granted. Fasting is comparatively a remarkable act of worship. Imam Malik (RA) reports on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (RA) that the Prophet (SAW) said, “By the One in whose hand my soul is, the whiff from the breath of a person who is fasting is better with Allah than the musk. He leaves his desires, food and drink; all for my sake. Fasting is for Me and I (give the) reward (for) it. Every good act is rewarded by ten times its kind up to seven hundred times except fasting which is for Me, and I reward it”. 

The above hadith underscores the need for Muslims to observe the fast with strict adherence to laid down rules governing this revered act of worship, lest we become of those who starved and not of those who fasted. Muslims who violate the rules governing the observance of Ramadan fast may not have fasted but would simply have succeeded in starving themselves. The six authentic compilers of hadith all relate on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (RA) who reports that the Prophet (SAW) said, ‘Fasting is a protection for you. So when you fast, do not behave obscenely or foolishly. And if anyone argues with you or insults you, say, ‘I am fasting, I am fasting’. 

Muslims are encouraged to exercise moderation in their feeding habits during breakfast (called Iftar in Arabic) and while taking the early morning food (called Sahur in Arabic). Over-feeding especially at the time of breaking the fast prevents or inhibits the over-fed from waking up at night to engage in other additional forms of devotion such as observing superogatory (nafilat) prayers, recitation of the holy Qur’an and glorifying Allah’s name. 

Inflation is already hitting Nigerians hard. We call on traders of essential commodities to abandon greed and resist the temptation. They should not take undue advantage of the Ramadan season to exploit Nigerians and make usurious profits by further shooting up the prices of foodstuff that are already on the high side. Sugar, fruits, beverages and Irish potatoes are some of the items which demands usually surges at the start of Ramadan. 

Philanthropic individuals, groups, government and non-governmental organizations are encouraged to organize or support public breaking of Ramadan fast (called ‘iftar jama’i’ in Islamic literature) for under-privileged Muslims. This could be at mosque or ward level. Times are difficult for many families and individuals. Ramadan is a period during which Muslims are required to demonstrate the virtues of charity, kindness and hospitality especially to the indigent members of the society including the IDPs in states devastated by banditry or terrorist activities. 

Scholars, preachers, prayer leaders, speakers, tafsir (Qur’anic commentary) presenters, anchors of radio and television programmes are advised to avoid the use of provocative and un-courteous expressions during their public preaching sessions. They are enjoined to exhibit a high sense of intellectual maturity in the course of educating their audience on the teachings of Islam. Wisdom and good speech, not name-calling or insults, are central to effective and popular religious proselytization. 

We encourage scholars and preachers to focus more on matters that seek to unite us as Muslims; shunning divisive tendencies and subject matters. Besides, the knowledge of the basics of religion cannot be more desirous in modern Nigeria than now when, in spite of the large number of learned scholars in the country today, ignorance of religion yet appears to be spreading faster than orthodox knowledge and piety spread among adherents. Today’s glut in evils and mischief perpetrated on land and sea reflects how distanced and disconnected people have become in thoughts and actions from the true teachings of religion.

We are happy Ramadan is here again. It’s time to renew and strengthen our spiritual bond with our creator. May Allah grant us the necessary disposition, health and wherewithal to achieve a rewarding Ramadan fast, amin. Ramadan Kareem!