Ramadan is winding down!

And today is the 26th day of Ramadan in the year 1440 after Hijrah. What this means is that this blessed month has not more than three or four days left before it bids us all bye. What this means is that this blessed month is passing us bye or rather we are gradually saying […]

Ramadan is winding down!

And today is the 26th day of Ramadan in the year 1440 after Hijrah. What this means is that this blessed month has not more than three or four days left before it bids us all bye. What this means is that this blessed month is passing us bye or rather we are gradually saying bye-bye to the blessed month. What this means is that as at today, twenty-six days have been deducted from the number of days we have all been destined to spend on this planet earth. How many days remain for me and you remain unknown to us and shall remain unknowable.

One of the lessons the month has sought to teach to us is the necessity for us to walk with the Almighty. What this means is that for us to stand on the same ‘podium’ where Prophets Ibrahim, Nuh, Musa, Isa and Muhammad (upon them be peace and blessings of the Almighty) were precursors and exemplars, there are basic qualities and habits we must possess and imbibe. For you to find space around the podium upon which Prophet Ibrahim shall stand on the day of resurrection, you must be prepared to go through similar trials and tribulations from which this patriarch of faith in both the Christian and Islamic faiths tradition is an exemplar. The podium upon which Prophet Nuh (a.s) stood in order that he might rescue humanity from perdition was emblazoned with want and deprivations. Prophet Musa (a.s) endured forty years in the wilderness as a precondition for divine redemption.

Prophet Isa (a.s) suffered ignominy and deprivation in the hands of the Jews though he was originally sent as their savior. Brother, Prophet Muhammad went through the most inhuman treatment in the hands of his people in Makkah so that humanity may ultimately celebrate his prophecy. The Almighty asks us, rhetorically thus: “Do you think that you will enter Paradise without any trials while you have known the examples of those who passed away before you? They were afflicted with suffering and adversity and were so shaken up that even the Messenger and the believers with him cried out: “When will Almighty’s help come?” Then they were comforted with the words, “Be aware! His help is ever close (Q2: 214). In other words brethren, the experience of hardship is a precondition for comfort. I have since learnt that austerity is a precondition for prosperity; you have to pass an exam before you are celebrated as a success.

Thus the month of Ramadan has been here to remind us of the choices we shall always have to make as we trudge on in life. Keep this in mind therefore- every choice we make in life has a price tag. The choice not to stand by and walk with the Almighty is to choose to become a foot-soldier for Shaytan; not to stand by and walk with the Almighty is to become a priest in the cathedral of charlatans and denizens of hell. In our society today, there are those who have made such choices. They have decided not to wait on the Almighty; they want the pleasure of the here and now. They prefer the fleeting glories that the earthly life provides for them. Such people are those who go about perpetrating evils and atrocities in our cities. You see them in the corridors of power. They are the confidants and trusted friends of those in authority. No evil is too much for them to engage in; no infraction is too heinous for them to commit.

Thus we must counsel ourselves, Quranically that is, as follows: “So remain on the right course as you have been commanded, and do not be among those condemned to ruination. (Q12: 112).

Remember, my Sister that the Almighty does not go on leave or break; He neither sleeps nor slumbers. He is always pleased with those who obey Him regardless of the month the obedience takes place; He has also promised to visit the evil doers with the most terrible punishment for their infractions; He is not and cannot celebrate or be pleased with corruption and sins no matter the month the disobedience takes place.

Take heed and beware of falling into forbidden actions, such as forbidden sayings, food and drinks, or by looking at or listening to what is forbidden. Be steadfast and upright at all times, for you do not know when your time will be up, when you will breathe your last. Beware of him taking you while you are in a state of sin.