Ramadan: Islam and sincerity of Muslims to the Qur’an (I)

We shall therefore examine what the Qur’an has gotten to provide for the generality of mankind and the response of those who claim to believe in its message in the following areas: What is Qur’an?; Concept of Sincerity (Ikhlaas) in the Islam; Why insincerity abounds; Repercussions of lack of sincerity; and Importance of sincerity in […]

Ramadan: Islam and sincerity of Muslims to the Qur’an (I)
Ramadan: Islam and sincerity of Muslims to the Qur’an (I)

We shall therefore examine what the Qur’an has gotten to provide for the generality of mankind and the response of those who claim to believe in its message in the following areas: What is Qur’an?; Concept of Sincerity (Ikhlaas) in the Islam; Why insincerity abounds; Repercussions of lack of sincerity; and Importance of sincerity in the life of a Muslim.
 In modern days, the struggle either to survive or to subdue others in order to amass wealth has led to an unprecedented social insecurity, such as hostage taking; blatant murder, thuggery etc because insincerity through bribery, fraud, brigandage and other shady deals remain the most assured means of amassing wealth. Therefore, the greedy and the morally unqualified individuals cheat in business deals and at times force their ways into political offices to steal and seek every means, legal or otherwise, not to vacate their seats.
Due to stark poverty confronting majority of Muslims, no Muslim community is totally free of insincerity. Lack of sincerity is not only applicable to the relationship between man and man; but also between man and his Creator.  As a practical way of life, one would be willing to examine the disposition of the Qur’an to the problems of insincerity.
 What is Qur’an?
The Qur’an is the revealed book of guidance to all mankind. It is a book that is valid for all times, it can never be outdated as it appeals to scientific and historical evidence. The Holy Qur’an is the Book issued to man in his capacity as vicegerent of Allah on earth to guide him in his day-to-day activities in such a comprehensive manner by virtue of which he is able to obtain success in the world and in the hereafter.
Man is created in a perfect mode by Allah so as to be able to play a significant role in a world which has been in existence several billions of years before him and which will continue to exist after his demise. Allah has wonderfully ordained that the universe is necessary for the survival of man, whereas man is not necessary for the survival of the universe.
Thus man needs to use the limited knowledge and materials at his disposal to prepare for himself eternal bliss or hell. Man finds himself helpless in that every moment that passes is gone, never to return!
Allah says: Verily, We have created man into toil and struggle. (Q90 [Al-Balad]:4).
In His infinite Mercy, Allah gave man faculty of reasoning and intelligence which elevates him to a higher status over other creatures. As great as the reasoning of man is and as powerful as his intelligence seems, it has its own limits as it cannot go beyond what could be seen, touched, smelt, felt or heard. To make the job of man easy, Allah raised from among mankind prophets and messengers – the first of them being Adam (peace be upon him) and the last being Muhammad (PBUH).
Allah sent those Prophets with the universal religion of Islam from time to time to bring the revealed truth with which man regulates his conduct, contemplates his destiny and draws himself closer to his Creator.
Allah says:  Verily, We take upon Us to guide, and verily unto Us (belong) the End and the Beginning. (Q92 [Al-Lail]:12).
The original instincts of man to be selfish, his love for ephemeral things, his hatred for truth and his contentious habit to question everything he sees and to doubt every unseen thing is known to Allah, He therefore sent messengers with divine books to guide man to eternal bliss.
To Prophet David (AS) Allah gave Psalms (Sabur), to Prophet Moses (peace be upon him.) Allah gave Torah, to Prophet Jesus (Isa) (AS) He gave (Injeel) and to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Allah gave the Qur’an. Series of messages were brought by various messengers to their own race from Adam’s time to the time of Jesus (AS). However, with the evolution of Al-Qur’an in the history of mankind, the age of new revelation came to a close and that of materialization of the principles in the revealed religion started. Allah says the following about Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) who was sent with the message of Al-Qur’an to the whole world.
We sent you not, but as a Mercy for All Creatures.  (Q21 [Al-Anbiya’a]:107).
The Holy Qur’an, being   the final-most message from Allah to man, references are to be found in all the early scriptures pointing to the advent of Prophet Muhammad.
 Allah says about Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him):
Nor does he say (aught) of (his own) desire. It is no less than inspiration sent down to him. (Q53 [An-Najm]:3-4).
In confirmation of the above message, of all divine revelations to mankind, there is none comparable to Al-Qur’an. It is unique in the sense that it aids both communication and supplication of man to his Creator in request for all good things he may need for his survival in this world of toil and struggle. On the other hand, it is a sure means of instructions especially the ones that lead man to the path of eternal bliss.It is clearly stated in the Qur’an
We have explained in detail in this Qur’an, for the benefit of mankind, every kind of similitude: but man is, in most things, contentious. (Q18:54)
 In spiritual realm, the Holy Qur’an is so powerful and sensitive that no man reads just a verse of it but Allah is aware of it, hears and put the recitation down as a mark of good deeds in the heavenly record of the person who recites it:
In whatever business thou mayest be, and whatever portion thou mayest be reciting from the Qur’an- and whatever deed ye (mankind) may be doing,- We are Witnesses thereof when ye are deeply engrossed therein. Nor is hidden from the Lord (so much as) the weight of an atom on the earth or in heaven. And not the smallest and not the greatest of these things but are recorded in a clear Record. (Q10 [Yunus]:61).
The Holy Qur’an is an undiluted truth and divine guidance devoid of any doubt. Allah says: This is the Book: in it is guidance sure, to those who fear Allah. (Q2 [Al-Baqarah]:2).
Allah vouchsafed for the Qur’an thus: We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption). (Q15 [Al-Hijr]:9).
No author in the history of mankind has produced the like of Al-Qur’an. The Holy Qur’an is declared open in its first chapter Suratul-Fatiha (literally meaning the opening) which starts with the most beautiful acknowledgment ever produced by any religious scripture in the history of mankind – Alhamdu lillah Rabbil-Alamin; meaning ‘praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds’.

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