Ramadan: Requirements for the fasting ummah (I)

My distinguished brothers, it has been revealed that the companions of Rasulullahi (SAW), when the month of Rajab comes, always pray “O’ Allah give us a good reward in Rajab and give us a good reward in the month of Sha’aban and O’ Allah show us the month of Ramadan.”  We, too, pray that may […]

Ramadan: Requirements for the fasting ummah (I)
Ramadan: Requirements for the fasting ummah (I)

My distinguished brothers, it has been revealed that the companions of Rasulullahi (SAW), when the month of Rajab comes, always pray “O’ Allah give us a good reward in Rajab and give us a good reward in the month of Sha’aban and O’ Allah show us the month of Ramadan.”  We, too, pray that may Allah take us to Ramadan. We are also praying that may Allah give us the ability to fast it and perform all the nafils in it; may He also answer all our supplications, bacause He is able in all things.

As Ramadan is already around the corner, so to speak, I have listed briefly hereunder, some requirements for the Fasting ummah.
1. Its required of the person who is fasting that he should engage himself in the following beneficial activities:
a. Everything a man will do should be because of Allah (S.A.W)
b. He should know that his witnessing the month of Ramadan is a blessing from Allah (SWT); millions of people have not been lucky to witness the month.
c. He should know that Ramadan is like a field for competition in which one will be free and escape from hell fire.
d. He should have the Qur’an ever close to him for recitation and assimilation. He should cut down drastically on unimportant work to benefit from the month (Ramadan).
e. He should have a translated book, such as the explained Qur’an or Hadith of Rasulullah (SAW), so that he will have greater understanding of the importance  of the month of Ramadan.
f.  He should divide the reading of the Qur’an into two portions: (i) read the Qur’an detail by detail, observe and think; he should stop and ponder where Allah informed the people about a good thing and where he warned them of serious punishment, so that he will be aware of such information and warning. He should read at least one portion (hifz). (ii) He should read the Qur’an as many times as he can to seek reward from Allah (SWT).
g. He should reserve for himself time for doing good works, openly or secretly during the month of Ramadan.
DSP Kutubi is the  Zonal Imam, Zone 2 Police Hqtrs, Wuse Zone 3, Abuja