Ramadan: Requirements for the fasting ummah (II)

Continued from last week h. He should get accustomed  to some supplications and always raise his hands in praying to Allah to accept his supplications. i. He should try to remain at the end of every compulsory pray to offer supplications, especially after Subhi and Asr prayers, because these two periods are part of when […]

Ramadan: Requirements for the fasting ummah (II)
Ramadan: Requirements for the fasting ummah (II)

Continued from last week

h. He should get accustomed  to some supplications and always raise his hands in praying to Allah to accept his supplications.
i. He should try to remain at the end of every compulsory pray to offer supplications, especially after Subhi and Asr prayers, because these two periods are part of when Allah accepts supplications.
j. Man should enslave himself in doubly doing good work. He should read the history of the companions of Rasulullahi (SAW) and those who followed them so that he will imitate them; particularly to know the tradition of the Rasulullahi (SAW) in the month of Ramadan. He should always listen to Islamic Cassettes of the righteous Malams with their summons for the month of Ramadan, so that he may not lose the gains in this blessed period.
l. He should try as much as possible to do Salatul nafila in Ramadan in the mosque in congregation or with his family at home  so that they too can have among them those who stand during the night in the month of Ramadan.
m. You should force yourself, in giving Sadaka (gifts of any kind) in this month of Ramadan, such as giving people what they will use to break their fasting. i.e. food, drinks etc.
2. How a home should be in the month of Ramadan
a. A man should purchase a copy of Al-Qur’an for all his family members and encourage them to read it daily.
b. He  should set aside a place where they will be saying their night prayer in the house.
c. A man should buy video cassettes for Qur’anic translation of prominent and righteous Malams to listen to.
d. He should buy for his family something that will make them compete in doing good work in the Ramadan.
e. He should fix time for discussion about the month of Ramadan with rules of fasting, so that none of them will lose his fast.
f. He should provide food and drink for the breaking of fast for his family within his ability
g. He should plan work for his family at home so that they can also perform their religious activities, such as reading, nafilat or going for tafsir.
h. He should arrange food for the breaking of fast for his  friends and neighbours.
i. He should arrange for himself and his family to perform the lesser Hajj or l’itikaf in the month of Ramadan, if he has the ability. e. He should send to those who are fasting food, drink or fruits at the mosque if he has the means.
j. He himself and his family should engage in the recitation of the Qur’an off head and reading the Hadith of the Prophet (S.A.W) such as the Riyadus Salihin or Bulugul Maram. 

DSP Kutubi is the  Zonal Imam, Zone 7 Police Hqtrs, Wuse Zone 3, Abuja

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