Ramadan tafsir: Emphasising the methodology of predecessors in reference to contemporary realities

The Holy month of Ramadan is an excellent time for the dissemination of information when most people gather around masjids where tafsir is being rendered. The Jama’atul Izalatul Bid’ah wa Iqamatul Sunnah (JIBWIS) during this period prior to the commencement of tafsir invited mufassirun from across the states of the federation and conducted a workshop […]

Ramadan tafsir: Emphasising the methodology of predecessors in reference to contemporary realities

The Holy month of Ramadan is an excellent time for the dissemination of information when most people gather around masjids where tafsir is being rendered. The Jama’atul Izalatul Bid’ah wa Iqamatul Sunnah (JIBWIS) during this period prior to the commencement of tafsir invited mufassirun from across the states of the federation and conducted a workshop and capacity building for them.

This year’s theme emphasises the need for collaboration between different stakeholders in the community, including government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and the local population, in order to effectively address the complex interrelated issues of contemporary realities and also highlights the importance of building resilience within the community to withstand and overcome these challenges through emphasizing on the methodology of predecessors in da’awah.

The workshop aims to promote peace and bring together community members to participate in the process of overcoming the issues of contemporary realities by presenting excellent, rich papers, well-articulated from erudite scholars.

It provided a platform for scholars, researchers, and students to engage in discussions, gain insights, and enhance their understanding of the methodology of the predecessors in da’awah and by focusing on the importance of studying and implementing the approach of the early generations.

The workshop/capacity building brought together scholars and experts in the field of Islamic exegesis to explore the methods used by past scholars in interpreting the Qur’an and how these methods can be applied to understand and interpret the Qur’an in today’s context.

It featured panel discussions, presentations, and focused on the various approaches and techniques used by scholars such as Al-Tabari, Ibn Kathir, and Al-Suyuti, etc.

Participants engaged in lively discussions on the importance of studying the methodology of past scholars in order to gain a deeper understanding of the Qur’anic text and its relevance to contemporary issues. They also shared their own insights and experiences in applying these methods to their own research and interpretation of the Quran. This workshop has provided insight and an increased understanding of the aspect of science and globalization whilst conducting research for the exegeses of the Qur’an in areas such as;

Ulumil Qur’an (Science of Qur’an)

Usulut tafsir (Principles of the exegesis)

Principles of Jurisprudence (Usulul Fiqhu)

Jurisprudence (Al-Fiqh)

Philology (Fiqhul Lugha)

Historical antecedence of JIBWIS

Economic slump and famine

 Overall, the workshop/capacity building was a great success and provided valuable insights into the methodology of the predecessors to mufassir. We hope that the discussions and ideas generated during the sessions will inspire new research and scholarship in the field of Islamic exegesis.

Thank you to all the participants and speakers for their contributions to this important discussion.


Abubakar Abdussalam, Director, National Directorate of Seminar & Conference, JIBWIS Nigeria