Ramadan under lockdown: Dahiru Bauchi, Hamza, Disina advise Muslims

The lockdown to contain the dreaded COVID-19 in Nigeria, which has been implemented in many states in the country, has affected a lot of activities. It is expected to have a devastating effect on Ramadan activities, which would possibly commence in a week’s time. Apart from the dawn-to-dusk fasting, Ramadan comes with a lot of […]

Ramadan under lockdown: Dahiru Bauchi, Hamza, Disina advise Muslims

Dahiru Bauchi, Hamza, Disina advise Muslims

The lockdown to contain the dreaded COVID-19 in Nigeria, which has been implemented in many states in the country, has affected a lot of activities. It is expected to have a devastating effect on Ramadan activities, which would possibly commence in a week’s time. Apart from the dawn-to-dusk fasting, Ramadan comes with a lot of activities, which include congregational prayers, Tafsir (exegesis of the Quran), group breaking of fast, amongst others. Daily Trust Saturday spoke to clerics on how this year’s Ramadan would be conducted.


Zaria is home to a good number of Muslims, and many people are expectant of what this year’s Ramadan would look like in the face of the ongoing lockdown across the country.

In their responses to the possibility of suspending Tarawih and Tahajjud (voluntary night prayers), as well as Tafsir (commentary on the verses of the Holy Qur’an) over the COVID-19 pandemic during the forthcoming month of Ramadan, Islamic scholars in Zaria urged the Muslim faithful to respect whatever decision medical practitioners would arrive at.

Dr Hamza Umar, the Chief Imam of the Albabello Juma’at Mosque, Zaria and one of the prominent scholars of Fityanul Islam, said Muslims should utilise the simplicity of Islam in all their endeavours.

According to him, Tafsir Tarawih and Tahajjud can be suspended during the month of Ramadan if there are genuine grounds for that.

He said since medical experts had attested to the fact that coronavirus spreads easily and quickly through human interactions, Muslims should respect the authorities since Allah has commanded all faithful to ask and follow the submission of experts on anything they don’t have knowledge of.

He said, “We should also know that Tarawih and Tahajjud are performed at home. People congregate in order to encourage one another as it was practised by past pious leaders of Islam. Therefore, since there is a genuine reason, we can now take Tarawih and Tahajjud back to their origin; that is, performing them at home, which is more rewarding.

“For Tafsir, we don’t need to congregate, especially with the modern mediums we have. The scholar and the person to recite the Qur’an can conduct the Tafsir and transmit either live or a recorded version through the social and conventional media.”

On his part, Sheikh Nura Zubairu Dambo, the chairman, Council of Ulama, Jama’atu Izalatil Bid’ah Wa’iqamatis Sunnah (JIBWIS), Zaria branch, brought up certain principles of Islamic jurisprudence to categorise voluntary prayers into two.

He said Tarawih and Tahajjud belonged to the category that is only performed in congregation like the voluntary prayers of Eid, Sun or moon eclipse et cetera. He said performing them in congregation originated from Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his companions, therefore, the congregation attracts more rewards.

However, Sheikh Dambo said it is imperative for Muslims to respect the decision of experts, same way they respected the advice of experts on Juma’at prayers.

He added, “We already decided on these issues since last week. Allah has directed us not to kill ourselves or take ourselves to harm. Therefore, if experts advise against congregation of Tarawih, Tahajjud and Tafsir, we advise our brothers and sisters to respect the decision.”

A resident of Zaria, Malam Kabir Abdulwahab, said his worries were more on Juma’at (Friday) prayer than the Tafsir, Tarawih or Tahajjud, adding that in Islam, Juma’at prayer is obligatory.

A renowned Islamic scholar and leader of the Tijjaniyya sect in Africa, Sheikh Dahiru Usman Bauchi, also said, “Our plan is that journalists from radio and television stations will come to my house to record the Tafsir and broadcast it at the appropriate time for viewers and listeners across the country.”

He said the situation warranted total compliance from Muslims since the directive is aimed at preventing people from contracting the disease.

He explained that for Ramadan Taraweh prayers, a minimum of five people can hold prayers.

Also, a renowned Islamic scholar in Bauchi and senior preacher of the Jannatul Izalatul Bidia Waikamatus Sunnah (JIBWIS), Sheikh Ibrahim Disina, said scholars would use technology as an alternative means of disseminating this year’s Tafsir so as to obey government’s directives to observe physical distancing and personal hygiene.

He, however, emphasised that Friday prayers should be allowed to go on.

“I hope all jummaat mosques would continue to hold Friday prayers across the country. I want to advise government to allow Friday prayers, no matter the situation, with a minimum of 12 people. Sharia law stipulates that Friday prayers can hold with not less than 12 people since the government’s directives on public gathering is not to be more 50 people,”

He, however, noted that, “Ramadan fasting is an exclusive act of worship of individuals to the almighty Allah and has no connection to the gathering of people. Both Tafsir, Iftar and other activities are additional forms of worship to attract more rewards during the Ramadan period.’’

In Kano, all Ulamas from different sects were virtually on the same page with regards to the situation at hand.

Dr Bashir Umar Aliyu, the Chief Imam of Al-Furqan mosque said, “During the time of  Prophet Muhammad, Tahajjud prayers were performed individually at homes, except for few occasions. It was until during Khaliph Umar that the Tahajjud were performed in congregation at the mosque,” he said.

With regards to Iftar, Dr Aliyu said there ought to be special arrangements, under which organisations under mosques and other independent organisations that were known to be credible would be used to distribute the items to the needy in their homes so as to avoid crowded scenarios.

On his part, a renowned Tijjaniyya scholar, Sheik Tijjani Bala Kalarawy, said, “These are voluntary prayers that are even more rewarding when performed at home.

“We gather at the Masjid in Ramadan just to encourage one another so that one will not feel lazy, taking into consideration, the reward of such deeds in the holy month.”

Concerning Tafsir, Sheikh Kalarawi said if the situation permitted, they would record in their homes and share with media houses, and if that isn’t possible, the previous ones could be used.

Also speaking on behalf of the Qadiriyya sect, Imam Jameel Al-Qadiry said Islam  ordered for a gathering of people in order to perform certain religious acts, but if conditions warrant otherwise, there are also provisions under such circumstances.

“For the time being we have closed all our places of worship, so there will be no gathering. We will always abide by government’s order inasmuch as they are meant for the protection of the lives of the citizens,” he said.

He called on whosoever would be involved in distributing relief items to the needy to have the fear of Allah and discharge their duties with fairness.