Rape of minors must stop

Lately, reports of rape of minors have become rampant, with the latest being the rape of a 14-year-old girl by a policeman. What exactly is happening to us, as a people? What has become of our values?   It is very unfortunate that children and young people are gradually becoming endangered species.  The most nauseating is […]

Rape of minors must stop

Lately, reports of rape of minors have become rampant, with the latest being the rape of a 14-year-old girl by a policeman. What exactly is happening to us, as a people? What has become of our values?   It is very unfortunate that children and young people are gradually becoming endangered species. 

The most nauseating is report of fathers molesting their daughters. The latest incident in Onitsha is very worrisome because not only was the girl molested, but by a man who ought to be protecting citizens from such attacks. Each time this type of incident occurs, we talk about getting stringent laws to check rapists but I don’t think that is the major issue. How well have we implemented the existing laws? Nobody has been severely punished for the crime of rape.

The relevant authorities should ensure that anyone convicted of rape faces the maximum sentence; there should be no option of fine. For the policeman fingered in the latest incident, I urge the police high command to ensure that justice is done in the matter. He and anyone found culpable in the issue should be prosecuted to serve as a deterrent to others.