To all who reacted to last week’s ‘SHAME OF A NATION’, thank you very much. Quite a number of respondents proffered and articulated innovative ideas about our security, and our survival. Sadly, it seems our government – and its security apparatus – can blissfully qualify for what Allah (exalted be His Name) termed ‘summun bukmun […]


To all who reacted to last week’s ‘SHAME OF A NATION’, thank you very much. Quite a number of respondents proffered and articulated innovative ideas about our security, and our survival. Sadly, it seems our government – and its security apparatus – can blissfully qualify for what Allah (exalted be His Name) termed ‘summun bukmun umyun…’ (deaf, dumb, blind…) in the Qur’an.

Because, it seems, they don’t care. About you. About me. About us. Therefore, we today present a selection of the rather outstanding contributions on this existential matter. And may Allah protect us all.

GARBA ISA ([email protected]): When you wrote about the snatching of your KIA car more than ten years ago along this same dreaded Abuja-Kaduna highway, you complained: “Now We Can’t Even Buy Yam!” A decade after, now you can’t ply the highway without the possibility of being kidnapped. 2010 it was armed robbery. 2020 Next Level is kidnapping. What this means is that the security situation on this road from the Federal Capital to the defunct Northern Capital only got worse over the years. Have the government and the security services run short of ideas in this high-tech era?

ABBATI DANKANTI GUMEL ([email protected]): Inna lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Raji’un! According to the statistics published by Daily Trust Saturday of November 21, 2020, the criminal bandits on the Abuja-Kaduna highway had a field day – actually a field week – all through, causing havoc, killing and kidnapping innocent citizens: Day 1: One person killed, 3 kidnapped/Day 2: 37 killed, 17 kidnapped/Day 3: 24 people killed, 15 kidnapped/Day 4: 5 people killed without abducting anybody. The total numbers were 67 killed, 35 kidnapped. How can such a thing happen in less than one week along one single road?

Surprisingly, all these atrocities happened on a route that encompasses villages and communities along this death trap called highway which connects the North Western states and many North Eastern states to our Federal Capital. Indeed, as you amplified, what a great shame! The ironic part of the whole thing is that these kidnappers-killers used the occasion of the half week of November 14th – 17th without fear of any reaction from security agents. Therefore, the safest route to Abuja has become the God-given railway, or by air for those who can afford it.

This is a most unfortunate situation which has never happened in the history of road transport in the country. But for every disease, they say, there is a cure. For every problem, there must be a solution. In addition to what you suggested over time, and especially last week, I wish to also forward this personal piece of advice.

Youth of the villagers and communities along the Kaduna-Abuja highway should be engaged and enrolled as vigilantes TO BE PAID AS WHISTLE BLOWERS to be solely responsible in supervising and protecting the lives and property of the travellers patronising the road. Security Agents should collaborate with these youth vigilantes who know the ways, nooks and corners of the forests, hills, etc., located in these areas along the battered highway.

We should not forget that these villagers are more competent and experienced than our security personnel, as they can comb the forests and upturn hills to locate the kidnappers and their hideouts where kidnapped people are held, and ransoms negotiated. Government, please involve the villagers, reward them well as whistle blowers (because kidnappers apparently pay for their silence); do this and see the results!

ISAH SOKOTO ([email protected]): Thank you very much for the wonderful job you have been doing for us particularly the North and its Ummah. May Allah (SWT) reward you abundantly. Many years ago, you raised the alarm: “Now We Can’t Travel To Abuja!” Sadly, at that time, instead of the then IGP to be proactive, he used a person (your namesake) to rubbish your piece and downplay the alarm raised. Wherever they are now – the former IGP and that his mouthpiece – I am convinced that their faces are now buried in the dust of shame!

SABO SODANGI ([email protected]): It is very obvious that some of the security agents are colluding with the kidnappers; that is why the problem will keep getting worse. There are several solutions to the recurring crimes of Kidnapping, Banditry and Cattle Rustling (KBCR):

PMB must issue an executive order putting squarely the responsibility for KBCR on the CP and DPO for incidents perpetrated in the state and LGA respectively, on pain of demotion in the first instance, and dismissal for any repeat. This approach would solve the problem not only the road you cited but all over the country (because nobody is safe anywhere, even in our homes).

PMB should immediately declare states of emergency in Katsina and Zamfara states, the epicentres of KBCR and proceed to suspend the Governors and the legislatures in these states for one year, during which time these crimes could be stamped out.

The North Western states of Kano, Jigawa, Katsina, Kaduna, Kebbi, Sokoto and Zamfara should emulate the South West by creating their own version of Amotekun for the simple reason that one state alone cannot effectively fight KBCR. What baffles me is that these Governors actually met in Kaduna a few weeks ago but absolutely made no mention of the criminalities of KBCR. Instead, they wasted their precious time discussing #ENDSARS, forgetting the adage “in ka daka rawar wani za ka rasa turmin daka taka!” It was a golden opportunity they missed. Indeed, KBCR is making the need for state police ever more glaring.

These crimes of KBCR are symptoms of a deeper malaise going by the name of corruption which thrives whenever and wherever these four conditions exist: lack of fear of God, lack of fear of the authorities, conflict of interest and impunity. It is difficult to ensure the fear of God as evidenced by trials and tribulations faced by prophets of God for millennia.

As long as there is corruption, there will be insecurity! May Allah protect us all.