Re: As 12th Rabi’Al-Awwal approaches – Ustaz Abdulmuhyi

Ordinarily, I need not even respond to the blatant piece on the above written by Idris Danazumi which appeared on page 5 of the Daily Trust Newspaper of Friday 18/12/2015 but to correct what might possibly hoodwink the gullible Muslims into believing the so-called Wahabist-Kharijite opposing views on Mauludin-Nabiy (S.A.W).  To start with, Almighty Allah […]

Re: As 12th Rabi’Al-Awwal approaches – Ustaz Abdulmuhyi
Re: As 12th Rabi’Al-Awwal approaches – Ustaz Abdulmuhyi

Ordinarily, I need not even respond to the blatant piece on the above written by Idris Danazumi which appeared on page 5 of the Daily Trust Newspaper of Friday 18/12/2015 but to correct what might possibly hoodwink the gullible Muslims into believing the so-called Wahabist-Kharijite opposing views on Mauludin-Nabiy (S.A.W). 
To start with, Almighty Allah commanded “all true Muslims” to Rejoice His Grace or Favour or Bounty and Mercy.
This divine injunction is clearly stated in the Holy Qur’an in Surah Yun us, Chapter 10 Verse 58 where it reads: “Say: It is only in the favour and mercy of Allah that people should rejoice; that is better than the wealth they amass.” On the above quoted verse, the Holy Qur’an itself, further succinctly explained that the grace or favour of Allah is the knowledge of the Holy Qur’an while the mercy of Allah is the Exalted Noble Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).  For ease of reference, read Surah Fatir, chapter 35 verse 32 and Surah Al-Anbiya’i chapter 21 verse 107. 
And for further elaborate interpretation of same chapter 10 verse 58, the writer should read the Tafsir and commentary of the following: Ibn Abbas (R.A.); Imam Sahlu bn Abdullahi (R.A.); Abu Hayyan Al-Andalusiy (R.A.) in his Tafsir “Bahrul Muheet, Vol. 5, page 171; Al-Allamatul Alusiy (R.A.) in his Tafsir “Ruhul Ma’aniy, Vol. 11, page 141; Imam Jalalud-Deen As-Suyuti (R.A.) in his books; “Ad-Durul Manthur, Vol. 4, page 330; and Al-Hawi Lil Fatawi; Imam Al-Hafeez ibn Hajar Al-Asqalany(R.A.) in his book “Tareeqatul Muhammadiyya Vol. 4.
Similarly, there were numerous genuine references from the Holy Qur’an and famous Islamic books which encourages and support the position of celebration of Mauludin-Nabiy (S.A.W).  For ease of reference, read the following (just to mention but a few due to space constraint): Surah Ad-Duha chapter 93 verse 11; Surah Al-Qalam, 68 verses 1-10; Surah Al-Fath 48 verse 2; Surah Al-Ahzab 33 verse 21; Surah Al-Hajj 22 verses 30 and 32; Surah Ibrahim 14 verse 7; Al-HattabAl-Mawahibul Jaleelah (On Mukhtasar Khaliel) Vol. 2, Pages 406-407; Dalilul Faliheen (On Riyadus-Saliheen) vol. 4, pages 14-15; UrfalTa’arif bil Mauludi Al- Sharif by Imamul-Qurra Shamsud-deen ibn Al-Jazari.
Based on the aforesaid authentic references, it is therefore not true that the event of Maulud is ‘Bid’ah’ which the writer even wrongly translated as ‘innovation’ copied from unislamic sources and thus, ‘highly abhorred by majority of Muslims.’  What a vague and false claim! 
Rather, given all the quoted authentic references, it is evidently clear that it is only the Kharijite and some Wahabist-Salafist scholars (and not the majority of other Muslim scholars) who abhor and condemn it as ‘Bid’ah’ which its right and proper meaning in accordance with the correct Islamic theological parlance is “aberration” and not ‘innovation’ as wrongly asserted by the writer.
Also, the quoted views (of Ustaz Abdulmuhyi and Muhammadu Riddah) against Maulud cannot in anyway represent the legitimate stand and or collective position of other majority of Muslim scholars who were not of either Izala or Wahabist-Salafist ideologue.
As a matter of fact, even among the Wahabist-Salafist scholars, there are those in support of Maulud, such as: Shaykh Abd al Halim ibn Taymiyya in his book ‘Iqtida’i Siradil Mustaqeem; Shaykh Yusuf Qardawi who at present is one of the most media-visible salafi scholar and; Shaykh ibnul Jauziy in his book ‘Zadul Masir Fiy Ilmit Tafsir, vol. 4, page 40.
In conclusion, I wish to borrow a word of wisdom from one of the previous masterpieces of Malam Adamu Adamu, a renowned columnist and now, the Hon. Minister of Education (which appeared in Daily Trust of 10/01/2014 equivalent to 9th Rabi’ul Awwal, 1435 A.H. in his then famous column titled “Maulud: Mercy to the Worlds” where he eloquently and objectively said as thus: “the truth is that, the fact and reality of Maulud stood in no need for the approval of ibn Taymiyya or any other scholar for that matter; it is something that is so obvious.
“There are those who are looking for hujjah (proof or evidence) to celebrate it.  But it is a basic principle in Islamic jurisprudence that you don’t look (for) permission to do things:  you look for prohibition not to do them.  In other words, whatever is not prohibited is permitted – whatever is not haram is halal.” Faqat!

Muhammad Ghali D. Kassim (Saifullahi) [email protected]